I quit smoking about 20 minutes ago " I sound stupid I know" Its my first time trying and i know it’ll be tough. I heard stories and all, and people say it never goes away? I hope thats a lie. I’ve been smoking for about 2 and a half years. How many days/weeks till the cravings stop completly?

The cravings never go away completely but they do get less intense
It Worked for me so I hope it will work for U! Cinnamon Gum! Every time U have a craving pop a piece in UR mouth! It will also help U with Over eating! I’m not quite sure what the cinnamon does for U but It works better than anything I’ve ever tried! Hope it works for U. It did for me and I smoked for about 20 years a pack a day. Good Luck!
They have tons of products to help you quit look up one
It quit 8 years ago and I still have cravings. =( The thing that changes is your appreciation for how smoking makes you feel. Meaning, if you waited until tomorrow to smoke, it’d be a relief when you finally had another cigarette. If you wait a month, it will be the most vile thing you’ve ever tried and you won’t believe that you’ve been smoking these nasty things for the last two years. Seriously, I tried one last week and took two puffs before I stomped the thing out!
Good luck!