My smoking is pretty bad. I started in 2004 @ age 19 as a social smoker, now I’m hitting 2 packs a day.
When I quit I want to go to sleep for 8-9 hours so that my body will have a head start on getting it out of my system. BUT, I dread how my body will react. Any idea of what it’ll be like?

It’ll be hard as shit. Good luck, don’t be discouraged. It’s unpleasant, but possible. You’ll feel free afterwards.
– Davey
Ok i tried to quit cold turkey several times and it never worked for me so i bough the 4mg gum read the directions and off i went the first day i chew 8 pieces that was 3 weeks ago now im down to one piece a day the gum worked for me but you also want to want to quit once i made up my mind it was easy.