25 thoughts on “Stop Smoking Experiments”

  1. Same here, this experiment is awesome. To all you assholes cracking jokes, just remember you’re the ones who are still voluntarily poisoning yourselves. Get out of denial and think about that fact the next time you’re inhaling all those deadly chemicals.

  2. You all want smokers to stop, but where would all that great tax money come from then uh? I’ll keep my smokes, you keep the money. thanks

  3. And the Internet just got a little dumber with that comment.

    The tax is used to pay a tiny part of the massive expense caused by smoking. Go into any big hospital and you will find entire floors filled with people on life support slowly dying from lung cancer and other smoking complications. They have no ability to pay even a tiny fracton of their own medical bills and it is illegal to refuse them medial care. The hospital and the tax payer foot the bill for the dying idiots.

  4. Incorrect. The tax generated by tobacco sales more than covers this. You’re either misinformed or stupid.

  5. Why did you jump into a subject you do not know the FIRST thing about and make up chit?

    It costs several thousand dollars a day to be on life support while dying from smoking complications.

    The hospital eats the cost of these dying idiots. The tobacco tax does not come close to paying for it. The lawsuit money from tobacco companies does not come close.

    The beauty of youtube is people like this who pull random facts from thin air and then call someone else stupid.

    I LOVE made up stats.

  6. Walk into ANY BIG HOSPITAL. Does not matter what city you are in. Just pick the biggest hospital.

    They will have an entire section full of people dying slowly from smoking complications. Their hospital bill will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Not one penny of the bill will ever be paid. The hospital will eat every cent of it. Entire hospitals have gone bankrupt because of this very problem.

    Tax money does almost nothing to even dent the heath bill generated by smoking.

  7. Smoking complications cost us about $200,000,000,000 each year.

    If you can figure out how to get that much money back in tobacco tax I will front the money you need to run for congress myself.

  8. @life4metal You have a choice: smoke or not smoke. That is why we live in a democratic world: options. Nobody’s forcing you to stay around smokers. Oh… and talk nice. Talking like that only turns your statements against you.

  9. no, there is no 18 friggin mg of tar in there, i smoke american natural spirits, and it only has 0.3

  10. reality check….like it or not..no matter how small the tar in your cigarette there is no such thing is a good cigarette…smoking still dangerous …not just for you but also for people surrounding you….

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