One of my best friends is 19. I am 18 and I can’t say I’ve never smoked before, because I have with her. She has been smoking for about a year and she smokes about 3 cigarettes a day. I tell her to quit, and she tried it, but said she NEEDED one after "quitting" for 3 days. How do i get her to realize it is bad for her and that she needs to stop?

you can’t, she has to want to quit to be able to have a chance at succeeding. Telling her to quit, telling her about the chemicals in them, showing her pictures of cancerous lungs will not help. She is already addicted, it is too late for an easy quit. At least she is only smoking 3 cigarettes a day, it could be much worse (and probably will be in the future).
I am an ex-smoker who didn’t quit or should I say COULD NOT quit until I made my mind up to do it for me (doing it for someone else doesn’t work, she has to want to do it).
As brutal as it maybe. you will honestly have to risk her being mad at you. But if you look up the chemicals in cigarettes, theres like 2000, And show here pictures off lung cancers and mouth cancers.
Well you have a couple choices either hound her to death about how bad they are. Show her just how many chemicals are in a cigarette. OR you could switch her over to the Electronic Cigarette. I used to smoke a pack a day of Marlboro lights. I now use the E-Smoke (Supermini Model)
Can find out more by visiting:
NJOY has some pretty good deals:
so does
You will want to have her start with the NPRO or SuperMini/PeeWee as that looks the most like a real cigarete. Trust me she’ll love it. I think they have it in Pink now as well
I suggest that you do so telling them how much you care about them, and how important it is that they remain healthy for a long time. I would also hip them to the proven fact that anyone can quit smoking in about 40 minutes. My wife smoked, until I came across this article that detailed how/why anyone can quit smoking in less than an hour…forever.
I got the e-book for my wife, just as a goof. As my luck would have it, she took it seriously, now she’s cigarette free! She did it cold turkey, and she says that she has never had a craving since. I never smoked, so I don’t really know how difficult it is to quit, but what I do know is that my wife is now smoke free and I am soooooo happy!
Here’s the link:…
I hope this helps