21 thoughts on “Bashar – Amazing way to quit smoking.”

  1. So if the person who had previously smoked for 20 years and had tar in her lungs were to create a new reality that she had never smoked, what would happen to her lungs? Would the new reality with a different past eliminate the old self with the old lungs? Its really hard to grasp that the linear past can be undone by changing the present

  2. @DaDar6 when i first heard him talking about this i asked myself if i move to a reality where an ailment doesnt exist what happens to the me inhabiting this new reality and at first i thought maybe the two mes become one. when i read your post it made me look the other way and lead me to connect something i heard bashar say to a new thought to me … tbc

  3. @DaDar6 he has described realties to being like a movie slide that is projected and made physical by light maybe what is being transfered just the light (our consciousor spirit) to a new slide projecting it and the old slide still exists just w/o our light projecting it. so the two mes do become one like two lights shining together become one. i hope this helps you as your question i feel helped me

  4. I get it. I don’t get it. I get it. I don’t get it. I get it. I don’t get it. I get it. I don’t get it. Arrrkkkk. So simple and yet so complicated!!! As a Gemini – I have a hard time letting go of the “parts of me” concept.

  5. “The measure of the fact that you’ve changed is not based on whether the outside changes, it’s based on whether your response to the outside changes regardless of whether or not it looks the same.”

  6. we always live in the present.
    the past is but a memory we manifest within our mind,
    changing the idea of who you are now, will change the formula of who you were then.
    first we must realise,
    that we are whatever we perceive ourselves to be.

  7. Unite together with Our Friends here and everywhere.We r showering Divine Love & Blessings from our♥s 2 all beautiful Islands of Japan and Our Beloved Earth & Humanity♥ safely shifting 2 The Golden Crystal Age~Happiness 2 All~Oneness Love and Light Infinite~Thank U Beloved Mighty I Am Presence♥Heaven & Earth United Us~ We R accepting these divine~Gifts~of I AM~Oneness Love Light Supreme Infinite The Light of God that Never Fails ~in all its forms~ We R Forever Flowering

  8. its called mind over matter. No one in my immediate family smokes: not I not my uncle, not my mother, not my father, not my grandparents. Nasty shite

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