www.stopsmokingnow.me Stop smoking now — learn how I went from 60 cigarettes per day to non smoker overnight If you sincerely want to quit smoking cigarettes, watch my series of YouTube videos in which I explain why you smoke — and why you should stop smoking now. Also, check out my Facebook page www.facebook.com/becomeanonsmoker Many people find the prospect of giving up smoking very scary because of the addictive nature of the habit. When I stopped 5 years ago, I fully expected to find it difficult, but it was much more straightforward than I thought it would be. I experienced no cravings, no withdrawal symptoms and, most importantly, no urge to re-offend. I can honestly say that I have not smoked a single cigarette in 5 years. I am not a doctor, I am not a hypnotherapist and I am not an NLP practitioner. I am just an ex smoker who wants to share his story in the hope it might inspire you. What I’m saying is:- “If I can quit when I was smoking 3 packs a day — so can you!” Remember, if you want to know how to quit smoking, follow my story and you can stop smoking now.