me and my husband want to quit smoking. What is the best product to use b/c we have smoked for several years?
Author: aaa_janitor
What are some good ways to get my wife to quit smoking?
She has to quit; she keeps smoking my cigarettes and it is costing me a fortune, as well as ticking me off. I hate nothing more than reaching for my pack and finding it empty.
How can i quit smoking, i wanna to but i cant?
Im 16 and stupidly got in to smoking, i wanna quit but i cant seem to, my parents don’t know and i don’t want them to ever find out. I have been smoking for about a year I really wanna quit but i don’t know how. Please help
what is a good way to quit smoking without buying those expensive stop smoking aids?
i want to quit smoking but i dont want to buy those stop smoking aids that are expensive and never work. have any suggestions?
How do I quit smoking marijuana?
I’ve been smoking almost everyday for the past yar. The longest time i’ve went without smoking weed would probably be two or three days. I have a lot of things going for me like I just got my BA in History at Rutgers and the only real reason to quit would be because I’m not myself anymore. Any tips on quitting?
How do i quit smoking when i have no money?
I need to quit smoking, but i dont have the money for the patches or gum with nicotine in them. Is there anything else that helps?
How do you quit smoking cigarettes?
Does anyone have some great ideas to get rid of withdrawals when trying to quit smoking? Or any motivation to help me stop?
Is it harder for women to quit smoking than men?
I know many men who have quit smoking, but I know only 2 women who have quit. Do you think smoking is more addictive to women?
What is a good way to quit smoking without medicine or patches or anything like that?
I would love to quit smoking without any of that. I am slowly starting to smoke less, like I’m down from a pack a day to less than a half a pack a day. Could I start eating candy or chewing gum when I want a cigarette? What did you guys do to quit?
The secrets of quitting smoking forever
If you’re planning to quit smoking cigarettes in 2009, take a look at our essential tips for staying away from the smokes.