I just found out I’m pregnant, yay! I havent gone to the doctors yet but I estimate that I’m anywhere from like 3-6 weeks pregnant. I smoked around a pack a day before I was pregnant and I dont want to quit cold turkey if there is a chance that it would do more harm than to just keep smoking. So slowing stop smoking or is it perfect timing to just QUIT? Legit answers please. Thanks!

It’s perfectly fine for you just to quit cold turkey now. There is no risk to your baby. I really think that could be an excuse for some people to keep smoking and not look bad. If you continue to smoke till you are much further around you should definitely wean off of them if you are worried. But if you totally quit now it will not harm your baby.
If you only estimate you are 3-6 weeks your baby is so small and barely developed it really wouldnt go through the withdrawal
Just quit. cigarettes taste like butt anyway.
Quiting won’t hurt you baby. It will be better for your baby. I quit as soon as i found out at about 4 weeks and i did it cold turkey. I haven’t had a single smoke for 2 months now and certainly don’t plan on smoking ever again. It was the best thing i’ve ever done! Hard at first but be strong and push past the cravings. Just remember that they won’t last forever đŸ™‚ My partner also quit too!!! So we are offically a non smoking house hold!
your doctor is going to tell you that you shouldn’t quit smoking cold turkey. my doctors reamed me for quitting cold turkey. they suggest you wean yourself off. i guess if you quit cold turkey it cause too much stress.
I just quit cold turkey the moment I found out I was pregnant, and I was about 4 weeks pregnant.
The sooner you quit the less your baby will suffer. Every time you smoke, your baby is smoking too. My husband smokes a pack a day. I’ve seen him try to quit and understand how much it sucks, but every time you smoke you are just causing that much more harm to your baby. He or she depends on you for everything, and you need to stop feeding the poison into him or her.
It is fine for you to quit cold turkey just make sure you try not to stress and to relax becuase you may be stressed out alot from quitting but you can do it.
It is all mind over matter!! đŸ™‚
And congrats!! đŸ™‚
Just QUIT if you care about the health of your unborn baby.
Early on (within the first 6 months is what my doctor told me) it’s fine to quit cold turkey. It’s only a problem if you’re six months or longer to stop cold turkey. Some doctors say to do it this way,some doctors do agree with quitting cold turkey all the way through. I was told by my doctor that it’s only safe to stop cold turkey until you’re six month,and by that point that the baby is so dependent on it that you should wean yourself off.
as soon as possible is the best. i know its not easy. i use to smoke and quite when i found out i was pregnant but just try to keep in mind that it is best for both you and the baby.
Be prepared to get lots of snotty and one sided answers. Smoking is bad, we get it. But those who have never smoked, just don’t seen to understand, or even try to.
I was a smoker before I got pregnant, about a half a pack a day. Once we conceived, my OB encouraged me to cut back, not to quit cold turkey. His goal for me was to be smoke free by my 5th month. I tried my best, really I did, but I was unable to completely quit. I continued to smoke about 5 cigarettes a day my entire pregnancy. I never smoked in front of anyone, just did not want to hear how bad it was for the baby…….. My son was born healthy and weighed 8 lbs.
It’s your choice, of course smoke free is the best for your baby, if you are unable to quit, don’t worry what others think.
Congrats. Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy
With my first I quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. I had seen this special on TV when I was younger and it showed an ultrasound of a mother taking a drag and the fetus actually curling up into a ball in response each drag. I have never been able to find the clip again, but that image was enough to keep me from lighting up. Every time I wanted a cigarette I imagined my baby responding in that way and told myself "you just can’t. It’s not an option." I had tried to quit many times, but that was the first time I was able to do it successfully and never cheat. Each time you want a cigarette think of your baby and the smoke going directly to its little developing body. The guilt over rides the satisfaction. It took all through y first trimester and part of my second before I didn’t want a cigarette every day. If I hadn’t been pregnant there’s no way I could have made it that long without cheating. It is the best opportunity to quit. I smoked about half a pack a day and dropped it cold turkey. By the time she was born I was a solid non smoker and it felt so good to be free of stepping outside and trying to get away for a smoke all of the time. Like chains had fallen off. It is liberating just do it.
You can always quit cold turkey while pregnant. It isn’t like doing drugs or drinking alcohol. Your baby will be fine whether you are 3 weeks or 33 weeks along. In my opinion, weaning is a more effective way of quitting cigarettes though, but everyone is different. I found out I was pregnant on April 16th and the first day I went without even one puff off a cigarette was April 20th. This is how I did it:
April 16th- I smoked the same as always, which was about a pack a day. I found out and decided I was going to smoke regularly just one more day. I was on birth control and this pregnancy was very unexpected so I was extremely stressed out, scared, upset, and nervous. It just wasn’t a good day to cut back or quit smoking.
April 17th- I smoked a total of 5 and a half cigarettes. I was smoking each cigarette about three times each. Since the habit of going out for a smoke break was the hardest thing to break with the addiction, I was going out for smoke breaks a lot still and only taking about ten puffs every time. It made me feel like I was still smoking like I normally would because I would physically go outside and puff on a cigarette like always. I also started avoiding going out for a smoke break after meals because that was a big part of my habit.
April 18th- I smoked a total of 3 and a half cigarettes. I did the same thing as the previous day, taking about ten puffs each time I went outside for a smoke break. I forced myself to go longer between smoke breaks, which cut back on the amount I smoked throughout the day. Besides avoiding going outside after meals, I made sure I waited a while to smoke when I first woke up and I made sure I didn’t smoke one right before bed. That killed a big part of my habit right there.
April 19th- I smoked a total of 1 and a half cigarettes. Again, I continued to take about ten puffs each time I went out for a cigarette but I began going even longer in between smoke breaks. Throughout the day I increased the time between smoke breaks more and more. I continued to avoid smoking right after meals, when I first woke up, and right before I went to bed. I actually felt really confident and amazed at how well I was doing.
April 20th- I didn’t take one puff! My fiance smokes so I would go outside with him sometimes when he smoked. It helped with my cravings because a big part of my habit was simply taking those breaks outside every day. I honestly thought it was going to be a lot harder then it was. I expected to be extremely cranky and irritable but I wasn’t bad at all! I felt very proud of myself and told every person I saw that I hadn’t had a cigarette all day! LOL!
From that day on, I began feeling healthier and healthier. I still crave every single day and sometimes it gets bad, but I make it through. If my cravings are bad, I do what I did in the beginning and go outside with my fiance when he smokes, but I don’t do that often anymore. Some days are definitely rougher then others. Every few days I get this really empty feeling inside like I’m missing something and I know it is because I’m craving a cigarette, but I do stuff to get my mind off of it and I eventually start feeling better. That empty feeling is the worst part in my opinion. Those are the times where I really contemplate whether I want to take a few puffs or not, but I never end up doing it. My fiance has had to run inside before (we don’t smoke in the house, we never have) so I held his cigarette for him and it didn’t even feel right. It just felt like it didn’t belong in my hand and I didn’t feel like I was holding it the right way. I can’t imagine bringing it to my mouth and taking a puff. It’s as if I never smoked before, it’s really weird. I don’t think of myself as a smoker anymore. Sometimes I forget that I ever smoked honestly. Now that I’ve quit, the smell is gross and stonger then ever when I’m around it. You can do it! It is very worth it! If you ever need support or help, email me at shattersrevealed@yahoo.com. I will do whatever I can to help you quit and stay quit! =D
Advice from a 30+ year cigarette smoker, I have pretty much tried using all the quit smoking goods out there; and practically nothing has made it simple for me much more to stop the unhealthy habit than this http://shortme.ws/4/5PW5D1 It is absolutely wonderful! I have never felt better in my entire life. Give it a chance, and you wont ever go back to traditional cigarettes. All the best!!
Take it from a 30+ year cigarette enthusiast, I have pretty much tested out all the quit smoking goods out there; and practically nothing has made it easier for me more to kick the unhealthy habit than this http://exel.us/7/1o4WC4 It is absolutely fantastic! I have never felt healthier in my whole life. Give it a shot, and you wont ever go back to traditional cigarettes. Best of Luck!!
QUIT NOW. The sooner you do it the better for you and for your baby.
If you really want to quit smoking, you can do it cold turkey.
IST is the best and easiest way to quit smoking cold turkey – naturally without any medication and side effects.