Hey ! Yes I was in the process of searching something, a method or a technique on how to quit smoking and found this website: http://www.thequitsmokingsecret.com
It’s a nice website of a guy sharing his story and what helped him quit smoking.. also what helped me.
Hope it helps !
I’ve not smoked, but I would recommend people quit because smoking cigarettes is gay – it’s like sucking smoking out of a stiff penis all the time! It makes you look gay and weak, because you can’t stop sucking on cigarettes.
I was a teenaged smoker, and I quit because I knew I was setting a bad example for my little sisters. That was motivation enough for me.
Hey ! Yes I was in the process of searching something, a method or a technique on how to quit smoking and found this website: http://www.thequitsmokingsecret.com
It’s a nice website of a guy sharing his story and what helped him quit smoking.. also what helped me.
Hope it helps !
I’ve not smoked, but I would recommend people quit because smoking cigarettes is gay – it’s like sucking smoking out of a stiff penis all the time! It makes you look gay and weak, because you can’t stop sucking on cigarettes.
hey i didint smoke but i used this product on my father
i hope this will help you