I quit smoking 3 months ago, and I still get really bad cravings. It takes everything I have not to start up again. I am also worried because I have heard people say that they quit for a year and then started up again. How do I prevent this form happening to me.

Congratulations on quitting!! As a former smoker I know exactly how you feel. For me quitting was one of the toughest things I have ever done. It is very common for people to start up again after quitting, especially when confronted by stress in life. The best things you can do are the following: throw away all smoking related things(ashtrays,lighters etc.)Try to avoid places where people smoke. What helped me alot was chewing on plastic straws,gum etc. I tried the patches and the nicotine gum and they really did not do anything for me. You just have to set your mind on this goal and tell yourself you can do it. Reward yourself somehow for every day you go without. Good luck!!
For some people it never goes away completely. What I mean is that they could be at a party 10 years later, be drinking and see some people light up and still feel that urge. You have to have very good reasons for quitting and then never to lose sight. If you do light up again, you cannot just fall back into the habit and buy a pack. For some people then this becomes an excuse. "I’ll just light up this one time". Don’t fall for it.
Prepare yourself for a life long battle. It’s been nine years for me and I still get cravings. Remember that it’s an issue of mind over matter and you are in charge of your actions. It’s not easy, but it’s very worth it. No pain, no gain.
I am about to quit, starting Monday. I am so scared, I don’t want to quit at all, I actually fear what my life will be like without cigarettes. But I’m doing it for my mom, who cries every night because of all the people that cigarettes have killed, and because I’m at a high risk for heart attack and stroke, and I have every reason to quit. I’m actually scared to death that it’s going to kill me. It’s going to be complete hell when I do.
You will have cravings for a really long time. My cousin still craves one every single day a year and a half after he quit. You have to constantly remember why you quit, keep that thought in your mind every time. I think it’s reasonable to have one VERY scarcely, maybe at a party once in a while, or when you are about to scream. But just don’t go buy a pack, that’s for damn sure. Bum one off someone. But once you buy that pack, you’ll fall right back into the habit. Good luck.
I quit smoking 8 years ago and I’ll occasionally get the urge to smoke. I have to occupy my mind with the NY Times crossword puzzle to forget about a cigarette. I still chew watermelon flavored bubbalicious. You never really shake the cravings no matter what you do. In my case I woke one night gasping for breathe that’s when I knew it was time to stop. I hope no one ever gets to that point where it becomes a matter of life & breath.