What is the easiest way to QUIT SMOKING?

I have been trying to quit smoking for a while now. Ive tried the patch, that didn’t work. I tried hypnosis, that didn’t work. I tried the gum, that didn’t work. Anyone have any different ideas?

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12 thoughts on “What is the easiest way to QUIT SMOKING?”

  1. Be aware of …

    · No one can quit if not entirely convinced (by him/her-self) to do so.
    · There’s no best nor easy way to quit.
    · Everyone is different in the way they stop smoking.
    · What worked for someone might not work for others.
    · The only way to tell if any given method works or not for someone is to try it.
    · Anything to stop that habit is worth it.

    I suggest reading http://stopsmoking.eu.pn
    The site has a poor design but its contents is very reach.

  2. Go get an Xbox or PS3 and whenever you feel like smoking play a game of MW2 which will piss you off and you will get addicted to that but its not as bad a smoking. LMAO
    PS. im serious. this could also go with cold turkey as it will keep your mind off smoking.

  3. There is an ongoing study about the efficacy of psilocybe mushrooms (magic mushrooms) to help quit smoking going on at John Hopkins University right now. You may want to look into that.

  4. My daughter just quit smoking using the drug Chantix. The doctor will prescribe it for you. You smoke for the first week while the medicine gets in your system. It takes the urge for smoking away from you. It worked for her, good luck!!

  5. Keep busy and just have self control. Find something to replace the habit. My grandpa used Altoids mints when he had a craving.

  6. Cold turkey is the only way. My partner quit after 30 years of smoking cold turkey – it was hell but it was worth it. He didn’t regret it.

  7. Don’t buy these people who say that cold turkey is the only way you can possibly quit smoking and be successful. They all make it sound like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and the only thing keeping you from it is pure laziness. Quitting smoking, in truth, is quit difficult, and some people will find it more difficult in one way than another will. Personally, I quit with the patch, regular chewing gum, and a couple of other crutches.

    The patch takes the edge off of the nic-fits; I’m high strung, and the raised anxiety levels that nicotine withdrawal gave me were too much. The chewing gum is for those times when you just feel like you should smoke, when what you really need is something to spend your nervous energy on. My other two crutches were knitting and jogging; one occupies my hands, and the other helps my lungs remember what they used to be like and staves off sudden weight gain. I also have a bunch of people around me; telling other people (especially nonsmokers, I’ve found) that you plan to quit makes it so much harder to just give up.

    It’s been several months since I smoked. It’ll take effort and support, but you can, too.

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