Any over the counter medications? Home remedies, anything…. I have some commit lozenges and nicotine gum. I am 25 and have been smoking off and on since 15 and heavily since 19. It is time to quit! Any advice from former smokers (or non-smokers if you have any good tips!) would be greatly appreciated. I plan to quit tomorrow.

hi mike…
first of all congratulations on your decision to to quit, it a real big deal.. i smoked for over 40 years, the last 5 of which were one failed quit attempt after another… in general i have used most of the arsenal of replacement products, medications, and other techniques.. and always picked up again..
the good news is that i now have been quit for over 5 years.. i quit trying to quit alone, and joined a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and you can attend while still smoking, before actually attempting a quit.. however you decide to quit good luck, there is simply no wrong way to quit!!
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I smoked for 13 yrs. And I had to quit 3 times before it took. Best advice.. no gums no patches. All that stuff is gimmicks. Personally I have never seen it work. When I finally quit.. I got rid of the ciggies I had left, put water on them then in the trash. Lighters and ashtrays in the trash. And I went cold turkey. Every person I have ever known successful to quit has done cold turkey. I don’t think any gimmicks will work.. you just gotta do it. It feels bad for the first three days and then you start getting over it. Some folks I know have taken off work and basically stayed in bed and basically treated themselves as if they had a bad flu.
I have been smoke free since April 27, 2009. I used the patch. I smoked at least a pack a day for about 12 years and less than a pack a day for about 12 years before that. So collectively I smoked for 24 years. My boyfriend just used the electronic cigarette to quit. He tried the patch and it didn’t work for him.
The sure way to quit: You HAVE to be ready and have safe guards in place. Like, I still carry a patch in my purse "just in case". I had tried dozens of times to quit previously and how I failed: Having a cigarette ready "just in case" and ignoring my last cigarette.
Make sure you smoke "your last cigarette" and make a big deal about it. Say, this is my last cigarette. I am a non smoker. However you decide to quit, have safeguards and support. Keep up your normal routines. Just omit the parts that include you lighting up.
I have a really good friend that smokes and we work together. I made it a point, my first day as a non smoker, to still go out at break with her. I had my patch and the smell was wonderful and gross at the same time. But it helped. I think if I had the option and knew about it at the time; I would have chosen the electronic cigarette. You exhale atomized water. It’s really cool. It’s going to be difficult; you are going to be stressed. But you can do it. Good luck!
I recommend cutting down gradually until your quit date. I did this. I cut down to half a pack. I did this for three months. I smoked by the puff, not by the cigarette. I took only the amount of nicotine that was necessary to satisfy my urge to smoke and put the rest of the cigarette out.
After doing this for three months I quit cold turkey.
Now I’m eating more candy to distract me but its been 11 months. I have urges but they don’t last more than a second or two. If they’re lasting more than that then you’re concentrating on the cigarette. Don’t do it. Concentrate on something else.
The secret to stop smoking, is not to stop at all. The secret is to start smoking a healthy cigarette. Here is a healthy cigarette that can help you stop smoking tobacco. It has no cancer causing substances, no secondhand smoke, no bad smells, no ash, no tar. You can choose with or without nicotine.
Here it is:
Have fun smoking, without worries.
Why wait until tomorrow? Setting dates to quit and setting new year’s resolutions don’t work. You don’t need a time frame. If you want to quit, you just do it. Work out a plan. I was a smoker and I dealt with quitting day by day until I realized that I spent 7 years without smoking. You seem pretty determined to quit and that is your strength in succeeding.
As it always goes with the smokers, their craving for nicotine is hard to be overcome. Every smoker swears that he will quit the habit ‘tomorrow’ and forever, but it never happens. In my case, however, my physician had advised me to stop smoking as I suffered from migraines continuously for days and I had to miss my work. His prescription drugs only made me physically and mentally worse and soon I was out of my daily routine. I discontinued the drugs and continued to smoke as usual. One of my old friends told me to buy smoke deter to quit smoking.
I knew there were some supplements claiming to create an aversion to smoking, like ‘smoking aid’, ‘quit smoking in 7 days’, ‘anti smoking pill,’ etc. The owners of suchlike products were making money by exaggerating the facts. I had tried some of these products but I did not find anything worthwhile in them and I was reluctant to buy smoke deter as one of such type of supplements.
One day, I got up from my seat in the middle of some important point in a meeting and went out to smoke a cigarette. My same old friend who was attending the meeting again advised me to buy smoke deter this time to give it a try.
I read the full details about smoke deter and came to know that unlike other supplements, it was purely a homeopathic combination and did not have any side effects. The supplements I had used had caused burning and inflammation in my mouth. Though, I was doubtful about it being safe to use, I bought it just to see if it worked as my health was seriously running down. I had its first dose in the form of a spray under my tongue and it tasted a little bit like alcohol mixed with something like a flower essence, which was relishing.
I used the remedy as per directions put on the label but didn’t find any effect on me. I was smoking as usual and I was very much worried about what to do further. In frustration, I discontinued its use and was thinking of some other alternative like self-hypnosis to boost my confidence to quit the habit at once. But after a few days, I did felt its effect and whenever I wanted to smoke, I found there was not an intense urge like before. It is more than a year now I haven’t smoked a single cigarette.
The smoke deter is free from any crude herbal substances and it contains only herbal dilutions in tincture form or in potency to act mildly on human organism and some dilutions in 200c to affect the mental sphere to get rid of the habit of smoking.
Check the url in the source box below for a free trial and also more info about this product.It seems to confirm some of my comments and is dedicated to helping smokers improve their health, fitness and beat the smoking habit.
I’ve tried just about every method there is out there and there is only one I can recommend – NLP! It eliminates the cravings.
Gum patches and all the other just did not cut it for me, not to mention cold turkey which was the hardest, I even tried the electric cig and it is just no match to the real thing.
Check out this article:
itโs the one that got me off the cigs and smoke free for GOOD even without gaining weight! ๐
Good luck kicking the habit!