How did you manage to quit smoking?

I want to quit smoking. I’ve tried several times before but the longest I’ve ever lasted was 1 week. My husband has agreed to quit with me but the last time we tried that we nearly killed each other. I know there is no easy way but some tips would be appreciated. How did you manage to quit? I know the nicotine is out of your system in just a few days but does the desire to smoke ever go away?

Methods To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Sometimes giving up smoking is not that easy.  Here are a few sure fire methods that can help you stop smoking for good.

Failed to Quit Smoking?

If you have tried to quit smoking and failed, here is a 3-prong method that will most probably enable you to quit. Five of my acquaintances who failed previously have used this method to quit successfully. The estimated success rate may be as high as 92%.

take a shot to quit smoking

There are 3 components in this method. All 3 components should be used concurrently. Otherwise, the chance of failure may still be quite high.

Desire to quit (?): It is often said that if you want to quit smoking, you have to have a strong desire to do so. However, this is unrealistic. Persons who are addicted to smoking do NOT want to quit, unless they are suffering or about to suffer a major illness related to smoking. Before this point is reached, a good alternative is to have a stubborn relative or friend to persistently keep on reminding (or nagging) you to quit.

Nicotine Patch (NOT nicotine gum): Some individuals tend to supplement the nicotine gum with a few cigarettes or other tobacco products. Persons who do that will almost certainly fail. Worst of all, they can get addict to the nicotine gum in addition to smoking. Use the nicotine patch instead. Follow the manufacturer instructions carefully. However, this may not suppress the urge completely. Do NOT supplement it with cigarettes or other tobacco products. Use acupressure as an adjunct (see below).

Exception: If you have tried the patch and failed, it might be better for you to use the gum instead. First, find out how many pieces of gum a day you need to suppress the craving. Stay on that number of pieces for 2-4 weeks. Then, make the pieces smaller by cutting away 25% from each piece every 2-4 weeks. Do not increase the number of the smaller pieces. Do NOT supplement the smaller pieces with cigarettes or other tobacco products. Use acupressure as an adjunct (see below).

Acupressure (NOT acupuncture): According to the former president of the Acupuncture Society of Alberta, for quitting smoking acupressure can be just as effective as acupuncture. And, it can be self-administered. Instead of needles, intermittent pressure is applied to the acupuncture points. Also according to him, a success rate of 85% can be achieved with just 2 points – 1 on each side of your body. The point can be located by following your thumb up to the skin grease of your wrist. It is located just distal to where you can feel your pulse the strongest. Place a giant rubber band (2 1/2" in diameter and 3/8" in width) around your wrist. Pull on the rubber band and let it snap at the point. You have to pull on the rubber band hard enough so that it hurts a little when it snaps back. Do this 15 times on your left wrist and 15 times on your right wrist. The urge to smoke will be gone. If you find this embarrassing, go to the washroom and do it in there.

Use all 3 components until you do not have the urge to smoke anymore. This may take as long as 3 months. It is probably a good idea to add swimming to your daily routine while trying to quit.

   By Mark Lui MD

encouragement to stop smoking

Quit Smoking for Good

If you are sure you want to get rid of cigarettes once and for all, but you can’t, the last thing you need to do is give up. Anyone can quit smoking, including you. Keep in mind that there are many people who manage to quit every year.

The Addiction is real

So why have cigarettes become so addictive to so many millions of people and so many cannot quit smoking? They can be purchased almost anywhere at anytime and come in a convenient, pocket-sized pack. Just pull one out and light up. 

Give Up Smoking

Can someone please give me advice on how to stop smoking? I’ve been smoking for 32 yrs now and it has finally caught up with me. I actually can’t breath anymore but my body is craving nicotine.