I want to quit smoking. I’ve tried several times before but the longest I’ve ever lasted was 1 week. My husband has agreed to quit with me but the last time we tried that we nearly killed each other. I know there is no easy way but some tips would be appreciated. How did you manage to quit? I know the nicotine is out of your system in just a few days but does the desire to smoke ever go away?

No patch.
No gum.
No pills.
I just said to myself I am putting them down. I never smoked again. The way I see it – Lie to yourself, and you are nothing anymore. I have not smoked since that day 8 years ago.
Everyone is a bit different as far as discipline goes. Good luck. I hope you quit!
I don’t smoke, but friends have quit with the patch.
I can help you. you must go to http://health-schools09.blogspot.com/?q=smoking
My husband was a smoker for 23 years, and has just recently quit. He used Chantix. You need a prescription, but from his own account, it was the only thing that made him finally quit.
You can read more about the drug on their website, http://www.chantix.com. If you have a history of mood problems like depression or bi-polar disorder, I don’t recommend it. It has some gnarly side effects, but you’re only on it for a few months.
Good luck, and great decision! 🙂
I personally never have smoked….
but to quit smoking, first try 2 not keep any cigarettes in ur house. if u go out and see them and get a temptation 2 buy some… think about ur goal u need 2 stop! think that you CAN do it. i know it must be really hard… but think if u smoke one cigarette, 5 minutes are taken away from ur life. the next time ur having a temptation 2 smoke, think, do i want 2 die soon? think about ur friends, family, and everyone who would be sad if u died.
that usually works. but if u cant even stop ur self from smoking by thinking about this, then i guess…….. u should just avoid being in places where u can see cigarettes or people who r smoking. yeah, i know it is hard 2 go 2 places where people dont smoke… but then think about how happy u will be when u quit!!!!
My friends mom quit smoking like this… and so did some famous celeberties and more….
So come on! You can do it!
The best and surest way to give up nicotine addiction for good is cold turkey, combined with support and education.
I suggest the book by Allen Carr, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking", which demonstrates that all of your smoking behavior is merely nicotine addiction. Any other reason/feelings you have attached to smoking are essentially rationalization devices you have developed to justify your nicotine addiction. In addition, breaking the physical addiction to nicotine is relatively easy and takes about 3 days plus or minus.
Nicotine replacement therapies (NCTs) such as gum and patch keep you addicted to nicotine while you get used to not getting your nicotine from a cig. You cannot easily manage your nicotine intake this way and may end up more addicted than before.
Chantix does have its supporters and its side effects. Carr’s book should demonstrate to you that it is probably unnecessary to take medication to control the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Support is available on the About.com website forum for quitting smoking. I would suggest it may take you 4 to 7 cold turkey quit attempts before you kick for good. Learn from each one of them what was hard, what was easy and what triggered a relapse. Once you relapse even once, you will go back to your old level of habit very quickly.
Hi Donna..
your story was much like mine, tried a lot of the patches etc, and the pharmaceuticals.. some worked briefly for me, but i always went back.. the thing that worked for me finally, was nicotine anonymous.. i haven’t had a cigarette in over 5 years now, after 40 years of smoking..
meetings are available in many areas, as well as a number of voice meetings online.. you are welcome at meetings while planning a quit, or with questions, while you are still smoking.. you are welcome smoking or already quit, you will find that the bonding with folks who are newly quit, as well as the experience of older members helps a lot..
in Reference to your mood swings don’t feel alone, as that’s common and even mentioned in our literature… one of my friends jokes "you are allowed 3 homicides during your first 30 days" while some is embarrassing most of this stuff is temporary and does go
away.. in fact most of us have a sort of stoic humor about it.. good luck on your quit and remember really is no wrong way to quit!!
Have you tried e-cigarettes? Me and my wife both have one (after deciding to quite smoking – which didnt go well – we switched over to the e-cig idea after a friends suggestion).
Basically i believe it works by vaporizing the nicotine inside a mock cigarette, rather than burning the tobacco (which releases all the dangerous and damaging chemicals).
That way we kinda get the best of both worlds, we can smoke (nicotine) and also quit smoking – with smoke lol.
Obviously quiting is the best option, but I found the e-cig actually helps me take days off from smoking – and eventually easier to quit.