This is a hypnosis and guided meditation session to help you stop smoking and ensure you really do quit. And please visit me at Download this audio file in MP# form at… Smoking.rar Thank you. Oh yes, please comment.

Thank YOU!!!
You are quite welcome.
that is pretty good, I like the control part, the sound/audio/volume is kind of low though.
It dindn’t work for me, to stop smoking, but I feel better and relaxed. I felt a pressure at my head, it’s normal that?
Anyway, thank you, it was great!
I think this is a really good video. I will listen to it many times. Thank you for this site!
You are quite welcome and good luck kicking the habit.
This still surprise me, how some people don’t know about Covertalox Hypnosis (google it), even though many people learned conversational hypnosis because of this hypnosis guide. Thanks to my friend who told me about Covertalox Hypnosis, I have totally learned hypnosis, and finally can connect with another person’s unconscious
I Haven’t Smoke A Cigarette in 3 days. I Also have too listen at least once a day just too stay focus. I LOVE IT KEEP MORE COMING. TRUST ME I NEED THESE MEDITATIONS OH YEAH THANKS
Thank you and good luck. This audio is available as a torrent if you want to put it on an mp3 player or something and you are free to download it.
I cannot put in a direct link. Just go to The Pirate Bay and search audio for stop and quit smoking.
if you have “Realplayer” you can convert to mp3 format
This is available as an MP3 torrent. I uploaded it o the piratebay. Go there and put in hypnosis stop and quit smoking in an audio search and you can find it.
Thank you very much!
I loved it. I haven’t been relaxed like this in years 😀 Thanks.
Thank you
This really works! i listened to this before bed and I honestly quit smoking the very next day!
I went my first day with out a smoke thank you I have been trying to quit for many years
Using this to help with the urges along with the patches to help with the withdrawal symptoms. So far I am 12 hours smoke free, and for me that’s good progress. All though I still get the urge pangs,I’ve been using this page to help cope through them.
Good luck with this endeavor.
This video makes me want to start smoking. Horrible sound.
Go and troll somewhere else. Nobody’s pointing a gun to your head and making you listen to this.
Thanks very much for this, it has definitely helped curve the frustration and general mood swings from lack of nicotine! Really appreciate it!
Only thing is I can occasionally hear kids in the background audio which can be a little off putting for me, but once I get past that the benefits definitely outweigh the this small critique! Thanks a million! 🙂
Oops I wanted to ask … do you have any other audio only on pirate bay or any other sites I can download the audio to your videos, I have crappy internet and it very troublesome when you are nice and relaxed and beginning to drop into meditation and youtube stops streaming! Doesn’t help that I live in China I suppose! hehehe
Send me an email address by PM and I’ll try to send you an address to download a copy.
Hi! thanks a lot for this useful video. By the way, I hear many people keep on talking about conversational hypnosis course known as Covertalox Hypnosis (just google it), but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you ever tried Covertalox Hypnosis? I have heard several unbelivable things about it and my buddy finally can hypnotize another person using it, but he refuses to tell me 🙁