You want to become the Strongest Version of Yourself (and the bad ass that everyone else wants to be) In this video Elliott offers some insight as to how you may be able to quit smoking, or break any bad habit, by increasing your level of conscious awareness. Music from Youtube: Soundcloud:

you remind me of joe rogan… hahahaah.
do you take hallucinogens and smoke cannabis?
I gave up smoking as an addiction and took up bodybuilding as an addiction 🙂
then you’re weak
Elliot, you are absolutely right. Your spirit is stronger than your body, and my father is proof of it. About 15 years ago he was an extremely heavy drinker, having shots every day, and up to 20 cans or more on weekends and one day he simply decided to quit because his alcoholism was affecting family relationships including that of his kids. He became aware of his behavior. He then quit just like that, for his family, for his kids. Now he’s free of alcohol addiction with only the power of spirit
Elliot, you are changing my life one video at a time. Thank you sir.
Good information.
Power of spirits?;D
4 months no smoking on sep 28th after 10 years. I still have a void but admit I feel a sense of accomplishment. That’s what keeps me going. Just knowing it’s a challenge yet I’m strong enough to overcome it. Feels great.
I’ll use this to stop masturbating.
Cool advice!
Why only 13k views? This guy is awesome !!!
very interesting, God Bless
thank you. Again
You’re the man. Even Via video I feel the positive energy! Keep this going. Thank you!
this is so true i used to smoke i was so unaware of my habit until i decided i wanted to loose a few pounds.story short the pain from my lungs after a mild jog woke me the fuck up
they see me smokin they hatin , i smoke err day u mad brahs???
you know what elliot. if i saw you i’d think ‘usual meathead’…. but fuck dude. you have really helped me out in the half hour i’ve been watching your videos. i am subscribed!!!
you’re so smart lol
these are great vids for sure.
How are you going to be abe to pick the flowers if your hands are carrying all the stones?
Wow I gotta lot of likes on this xD
Your an extremely positive person and I do follow you. Keep up the work!!!