i’ve been smoking for the last 5 years, and has recently quit a month ago!! all these nicotine has made my gum "darkish" in colour, so i was wondering if there exist any product on the market to make my gum back to their original healthy colour, or what should i do please…thank you in advance!

I seriously doubt there is any medical physiological backing that would verify that the nicotine was responsible for changing the color of your gum tissue. The more plausible answer is that your simply not as healthy a person as you should be. When a person has serious health issues of any variety the mouth and it’s structures are quickly affected and being anemic is a serious issue. I suspect that your having an issue with being low on a number of important vitamins and minerals your body needs. One example is the fact that smoking rips vitamin C from the body almost faster than the body can absorb it. Other important vitamins are also adversely affected by the habit, all your bodies organs are affected one way or another and I’m sure you are well aware the lungs are at very high risk…So, you need to have a blood scan to determine what your body is short of. In the mean time get a "GOOD" multi-vitamin that is high in A<E<B<C<D< and Zinc….Do those things and both your body and your gums will take on a far healthier appearance.
you should stop smoking it will lessen your life 8 years..i’m a doctor so stop smocking!!!
kinda doubt Chelsea is a doctor…you spelled smoking wrong and obviously couldn’t read what he wrote!