15 thoughts on “quit smoking?”

  1. as weird as it sounds…my dad curbed his cravings by chewing on a licorish root. it’s basically a stick. i tried it, and it’s gross cuz i don’t like licorish…but if you do, give it a try

  2. Carry a peice of straw and drag on it, shower 3-4 times a day and lots of fruit to help detox you system allso niacin and golden root may help.

  3. I believe the add-on protocol (recommended by stop-smoking advocates) are a combination of patch WITH gum as needed. (Not to be confused with patch with cigarettes, which is dangerous)
    Cantrix is a new med that is having success for people who are trying to quit. Look online for information about this new med.
    After 6 months, its white-knuckle for the rest of your life.

  4. There’s nicotine gum and products like that but if you’re just going cold turkey. I’d recommend staying out of situations where your most used to smoking. The times I’ve tried to quit, the hardest problem for me was when i’d go out with friends for drinks or on my breaks at work.

  5. I smoked for over 30 years and quit 7 years ago. I used nicatrol nasal spray and then the step 2 patch to get off the nasal spray. I found that eating sunflower seeds in the shell helped with almost ALL cravings. From time to time I still crave a smoke (probably always will) but never enough to make me go get one and smoke again. If you are ready to quit you will, more easily than if you are not ready to quit yet. Good Luck!!:)

  6. its mostly mental acctualy. they did a study and gave everyone a patch the ones that didnt have nicotene reported that it was easier to quite and they got less cravings then the ones that did. its the idea that the patch was going to help them that actualy helped them quite. they have websites for people like u where u can get support and help. i would say to go cold turkey and find something to ocupy urself with. even if u fail jeep trying and everytime u will get closer and closer to ur goal. good luck!

  7. When my friend wanted to quit I used some classical conditioning on him, everytime he would light up I’d take 5 bucks from him or so would his wife…if I wasn’t around, I told him hey if you’re so wanting to smoke losing 5 bucks will hurt you cause most packs cost about that…so after 3 weeks he was scrounging for change…then it dawned on him how pathetic he had gotten……he quit….it’s all in your head though, you crave it cause it has been habit for you, so now you have to break the habit…don’t start chewing to compensate for not smoking, or drinking more…just find something to keep your mind off the smokes

  8. There are various options to help lessen the cravings when quitting smoking. The newest is Chantix. It is a prescription medication that blocks the receptors that nicotine binds to. Therefore, if you do smoke a cigarette, you do not get the same euphoric feeling. There is also Nicotrol nasal spray and inhalers that provide nicotine replacement. These also require a prescription. Zyban or Wellbutrin (same drug with different indications), which are prescription medications, are antidepressants that have been show to enhance a person’s ability to abstain from smoking. Smoking cessation products that do not require a prescription are all nicotine replacement products. These include patches (Nicoderm), gum (Nicorette) and lozenges (Commit). Joining a support group or having a friend that quits with you for support can also increase your chance of success. Other behavioral modification that are helpful: 1) Recognize and avoid situations that make you want a cigarette. For example, some people associate talking on the phone or their morning coffee with smoking. Another biggie is drinking alchol. 2) Ask friends or family members for their support by not smoking around you or better yet not to even bring their cigarettes. Also, if you ask to "bum" one, make sure they tell you no. 3) Set a quit date and prepare for it. Give up an area where you usually smoke one at a time. First don’t smoke at work, then add not smoking in your car, then not in the house, etc. The night before your quit day, throw out all cigarettes and smoking related items such as lighters, matches and ashtrays before you go to bed. 4) You know you make sure you have your cigarettes whenever you leave the house so start carrying something in place of your cigarettes, such as a water bottle, so you don’t get that feeling that you have forgotten something. 5) Place the money you would have spent on cigaretts in a jar and buy yourself a reward with it. Quitting smoking is not an easy thing! Many people have to make many attempts before being successful. Like the saying goes…Don’t quit quitting.

  9. Hello There,

    My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was pregnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

    Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

    After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

    The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

    I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn’t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life 🙂

    Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at; http://time2quitnow.com if you want to find out more.

    P.S. They do ship to Canada.

    Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.

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