hello.blank-label.com www.youtube.com In this video professional male image consultant Aaron Marino talks about quiting smoking. Quit your addiction to nicotine and start living your best life. Aaron is a male image expert and style guru. Quit smoking….you can do it.

It should be called “How To Quit Smoking….Smoking your Image!! “
good job. you should do a video on safe sex and STDS
“might be God, might be Allah.” God and Allah are exactly the same. Allah in Islam is God.
I was a heroin addict until I overdosed. After that I quit everything. Nicotine and Alcohol were the hardest, and in my opinion are worst for you than any other drugs I did.
Dude,it is so hard to quit! I just love Marlboro Lights!
With all that money you are saving by not smoking, send it to Japan instead of asking sky dady to fix it … (Sorry I had to say that)
Telling people they are a jerk off cause they didn’t pray isn’t good for your company’s image!!!!
$5?!?!? I don’t smoke, but I see the prices here in Chicago are $10 a pack.
@alber12111 Allah is different from the Christian/Jewish God which he was probably referring to.
I finally gave up World of Warcraft after 5 years of play. I lost so much of my early 20’s playing that damn game. I finally realized how unhealthy it was when I thought of all the things I couldn’t do because I HAD to be on to raid 4 days a week for 5 hours a day.
I thought about quiting smoke. For like a…dont know. Probably more then a year. I had the intent to quit but I was too weak to do so, even though i tried it countless times. After some time i found out that people dont fear of actually quitting. But they dont know what to do instead of this habit. Dont know what to do with their time. If you can manage that, then you are golden. Its that easy. And now im going to prove this to myself. Thank you for the inspiration.
I am really surprised that a man of style like yourself had such a “redneck” habit. I think it takes courage for you to come forward with this. I don’t smoke, but know many that struggle with this habit.
Thanks for sharing.
wow, i lost so much respect for you. i’m a “jerkoff” because i pray to nothing? i feel bad for japan as much as you do, but because i put my faith in nothing i’m a bad person? dude, i really liked your videos and learned a lot from you. you just lost a loyal viewer and subscriber.
“And you are, a jerkoff” haha
well i was watching this video while smoking , but half way through it , i light off the cigarette in my hand , i crash my marlboro pack , looked at it , said good bye you bitch , you cant force me to do something , im much stronger than you , i dont need you … and it just jumped out of my window forever !!!
@young1freezy Way to go my friend!!
I tried quitting by my own strength which I failed miserably… however through God’s strength and grace I quit smoking!! It’s been almost a year already! 🙂
@WoWAmaya Definitely different, Allah is an impersonal being, impossible to approach or comprehend. The Bible’s God befriends men like Abraham (Is. 41:8) and talks with them (Gen 18:23)! He loved us so much He sent His only begotten Son to die for us! (John 3:16)
Smoked for 20 years. I waited until I was ready. I quit cold turkey 12 weeks ago.
I’m going to be 40 in a few years and I did not want to be 40 and still smoking cigarettes.
online porn. I have a great girlfriend, if I give up the porn, I know I’ll love her in ways I haven’t yet 🙁
luv you Aaron amazing man amazing channel keep up the great work :)))
haha you used to chew? thats nasty, I tried it once and swallowed some by mistake and threw up twice and felt like shit all day.
Love your videos, you have great advice but I think your being a bit harsh on people who smoke or use tobacco.
you legit are the nicest man….honestly. I wish i could be half the human you are
The portrait is nice! ^^