I just quit smoking (actually haven’t smoked in just over a week now) and I want to help my lungs repair quicker. I am in the stages of coughing up tons of mucus and it sucks, but I know its just a sign of healing. What can I do to speed up or aid this process?

Congrats! I have also recently quit and am now 7 days smoke free. I feel better than I have in years! You wont spend to much time coughing up junk, and alot of it can be accounted to the change of the seasons. I dont think there is anything you can do to speed up your "healing" but keep breathing in clean air!
I was a smoker for 20 years and am proud to say that I am a NON smoker for the forever future! Hang in there!!
I dont know how to repair your lungs but i think they repair themselves.congrats to you, thats great, keep it up!
They will improve on their own, there is nothing you can do except avoid smoke, even second hand smoke. Glad you quit, it’s easier than fighting lung cancer.
there is nothing that really that u can do because it repairs itself
Congrats!! Drink plenty of water. It helps thin the mucous out. Avoid second hand smoke. Your lungs will repair on their own. Each day you will feel better and better. Also start exercising (start slowly) to help rebuild the damage to your lung tissue.