Had emergency surgery. Will be coming home soon. She has been smoking since she was a teen & she is coming to my place so I can watch after her. How can I get her no to smoke? she has emphazema too. Please help. It’s been a horrible scarry week. Don’t need anymore scares. 6 kids total & we all want her to quit. Thanks

Well, I recommend for her to try the Gradual Reduction method…that should prevent her from having any bad withdrawal symptoms like if she were to just go ‘cold turkey’. There are a few ways to assist in quitting via gradual reduction of nicotine levels, and actually stop her from inhaling the nearly 4000 other harmful chemicals included in cigarettes; one of the newest is the electronic cigarette, which only uses water and nicotine, so she wouldn’t be completely destroying her lungs while she’s at it, but she would still get her nicotine fix for the time being. Over time she would need to lower the dose of nicotine to wean her off of it completely; there’s a lot more information about that particular method at http://smokefreeme.info/methods/gradualreduction.html . Best of luck, I know it’s hard!!
Take away Her Cigarettes
I have a good solution for you, try you visit the blog site below, I quit smoking from this blog site. indeed quit smoking is the hardest way for someone who had become addicts. provided there is goodwill and there is a push from the nearest person I’m sure it can. and most importantly we must try, although the later will spend money. it was a major key. do not be stingy essence if we are to recover from everything. hopefully useful. :>