My father and step-mother are expecting their first child in 6 months and I’m really excited about it. HOWEVER, my step-mom has not quit smoking and isn’t showing any signs of planning to quit. It has me really upset because I know how harmful that can be for the baby and I really want my brother or sister to be healthy, My step-mother has already had one miscarriage within the last year and we all want to avoid that happening again, but I don’t know how to bring up how much her smoking is bothering me. Any suggestions?

She could have had that miscarriage even if she didn’t smoke.
It’s really not your decision honey.
My Dr. told me not to quit. Quitting causes stress and will harm the baby. So I cut back to 5-7 a day. The result. 3 pregnancies, 3 big and healthy babies. Between 8.11 lbs and 7.9 lbs. All because I listened to my Dr.
His advice benefited my children.
Friends of ours, who don’t smoke, have had a miscarriage, and one child with asthma.
It’s all about genetics.
Hi sweetie. You could always print off or get some brochures that tell about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy and either give them to her directly, or leave them somewhere she’s bound to see them. Or you could ask if you guys can have a chat, then tell her worries about the babies health.
Ultimately though, if she really doesn’t want to quit smoking, nothing you do is going to change her mind. You may just have to get used to it.
If that’s the case, constantly comment on her smelling awful when she’s near you, and avoid being in the same place as her when she’s smoking – for your own health and to get your point across.
God bless
Your step mom also knows the risks of smoking in pregnancy, it is her choice
Do some research on the internet and find a video that shows a baby inside the uterus and what smoking does to it. Tell her she is slowly suffocating her baby because every time she takes a drag, the baby cant breathe and starts thrashing around in an attempt to escape but sadly enough it cant, it has no choice but to sit there and take it. Also smoking constricts the blood vessels in your body meaning the baby is not getting the maximum blood flow and nutrients that it could if she wasnt smoking. And yes smoking can cause the demise or death of the baby.
Cigarettes really damaged infants.
I’ve read that smoking can deform them. Quickly warn her and show the a post I found below.