My dad has been smoking for over 30 years. He smokes probably around 40-50 cigarettes per day.
I know about the harmful substances in cigarettes and I’ve talked to him about what they do to people’s health, he still doesn’t care. I don’t want to lose my dad. How can I get him to quit smoking?

My dad smokes a lot too, during the early years, while I was young.
We spend time together, and I know He loves me. I don’t smoke, because of the smell. So whenever he’s around, and I’m with him, I’ll tell him how smelly it is and how much I dislike about taking in the "secondhand" smoke from him.
Because of my love for him, and with some persistence from me, he was slowly persuaded that his smoking affected his love ones. His habit gave nothing helpful to the ones he love. He started restraining himself, when he’s with us. He smoke less. and less. Until quite a long long time, I didn’t see him picking up any cigarettes anymore. He was finally convinced that spending happy days in health with his love ones is more important than the lure of smoking.
Don’t run away from him. Instead, run towards him. Express to him how much you love him. And keep reminding him how much he love you as his child. Eventually, he’ll come around.
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (1 Corinthians 13:8)
If he’s smoked for over 30 years, it will probably be worse for his health to quit now. The consequences of having smoked that long are now set in motion and nothing can be done to prevent the suffering that he will experience during the last years of his life. Those around him will certainly suffer from the effects of second hand smoke as well.
It is too late.
HIDE all cigarettes boxes, try to convince him chew chewing gum instead of smoking. You must be strong, you should have a active conversation with him. Or you could seek Google for some solution.
You can’t unless he wants to.
You might try staying clear of him when he’s home. Eventually he will want to know why, and you can tell him you don’t want to be exposed to second hand smoke. See if you can get other family members to do the same. If he misses his social life with his family, maybe he will consider stopping.
Unfortunately, I’ve heard that giving up cigarettes is more difficult than quitting heroin. If that’s true, he is going to need help get through it.
Smokers cant quit for anyone but themselvs. Nicotine is the most addictive drug known to man, yes more so than heroine, problem is the effects are so subtle its not precieved to be. If ur dad is not ready he will not succeed in quiting. People who have quit still have cravings 10 years later even to death.. Its tough to quit I have tried countless times in vain. However a drug has been made called Chantex u take it and continue to smoke after about a week it changes the way the cigs taste and smell, according to a friend it syarts tasting like chemicals so much so you actuall cant stand to smoke any longer. Check it out, I would and want to use it so bad however it has really bad effects on diabetics…like smoking doesnt but the doc says no 🙁
Get him on a quit smoking program and take him to the doctor for a prescription or advice