I have been smoking for 39 years. I have quit temporarily over the years but have always ended up smoking again. I really want to quit but I don’t think that I can do it cold turkey. Has anyone out there used hypnosis with any success?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
My Mother tried that before,didn’t work.She quit the day she had a heart attack.
SunShine, I did the thing but i didnt have a heart attack. I never did And… Well i am here fine un,smoking!!! 🙂 So.. Well to be on the safe side… DONT DO IT!!!
An acquaintance of mine tried it out and the hypnotist was unable to hypnotise him and gave up on him and told him that he was a resistant subject.
If hypnotism is to work you must be willing and wishing.
You can find further information in a web search for "hypnosis to quit smoking".
Maybe it sounds far fetched to you but Jeff Stephens teaches a system of hypnotic change that’s been proven to transform smokers into non-smokers inside of 20 minutes. Click on this link and scroll about 1/3 of the way down the page to check out a youtube video clip of Master Hypnotist Jeff Stephens firmly sticking a guy’s hand to a wall with no induction, no "sleep" command, no deepeners… none of that: http://bit.ly/92i6Jh If hypnosis can do that, do you think it can help you to stop smoking?
Hi. I did quit smoking using hypnosis years ago. Here is a website I recently ran across that has free hypnosis to quit smoking. http://www.healing-meditations-downloads.com/stop-smoking-hypnosis.html
it can work if you have a good hypnotist