Trying to quit smoking with my husband, but he despises reading english lol. So I am looking for websites, online cessation programs or books suggestions, for printed materials in German.
Must be German language * thanks*
Thanks for the wonderful information guys. I am in Germany, I am just learning the language so I am not so proficient at searching or navigating german sites. I will give my husband the links and have him order them.

I recently did see a simular question in German, someone mentioned Allen Carr and the book "Endlich Nichtraucher"- I googled and think I will buy it myself and see if it helps:)
while I googled for sides to this subject I saved the links:
btw good luck
there is also a program from the German Ministry of public health (or however one translates that correctly into English), called "rauchfrei".
This is there link:
they send out starter-packages with information flyers and stuff (see the link "Materialien" on the upper side), but I don’t know if they send them to another country, if that is where you are.
Good luck with quitting smoking, and a lot of strength!