Here is something for people to weight in on. Some employers want to screen people to make sure they are non-smokers before hiring them.
FOX Legal Analyst Mercedes Colwin on the Pennsylvania hospital that wants to screen prospective employees for nicotine use.

The sad thing about this is that people will go along with this.
You are now property of your employer!
That’s really what you’ve got to expect these days. This economy demands a full work force.
screen for drinking alcohol, im sick of hung over employees, and med proff. with the shakes
look at the expense for drinkers, pancreatitis isnt cheap, no one talks about how sloppy ppl. look when drunk, how many ppl. to drinkers kill on the road, drinking is more expensive all the way around, how many doctors and nurses have thier drinks? but dont smoke, yet its okay to drink, screen smokers, screen drinkers