What is the best way to quit smoking?

I have been smoking for about 10 years and would like to quit. If anyone has a good idea or story, let me know. I appreciate any answers of comments.

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23 thoughts on “What is the best way to quit smoking?”

  1. The shortest and least stressful way is with some powerful help.
    This will give you ways to put in a new non-smoking program or habit into your brain. The physical addiction to nicotine is gone in 2-3 days, so the rest is habitual, and psychological. There’s lots of tips, info and free help at http://www.quitguide.com plus a great guaranteed course you can do to make the whole process easier on yourself.

  2. i’m not sure but i hear good things about ‘smoke away’ and nicotene patches and gum. good luck

  3. My ex went cold turkey and it worked for him. But it’s probably one of the reasons he’s an ex…turned him into a total jerk. I suggest going to your doctor and getting some cessation tools. Join a group also, that will help. And get your friends and family on board with supporting you.

  4. I quit cold turkey. My husband quit using Wellbutrin (by prescription). Those two methods work.

  5. I am so proud of you. im glad that you’re joining the rest of us with clean lungs. but i would try the patch or the gum or something. or just quit cold turkey. how about watch the chilling commercials about how bad cigarettes are or write 1000 times cigarrettes are bad, they stink, and they will kill me. over and over again. i hope u go thru with it.

  6. best way to quit is quite simple but would be extremely hard to do… stop putting lit cig stick on your mouth…

  7. wean yourself off of them
    buy the same amount as you normally do
    then flush two cigarettes the first week and then 4 the next and then 6 ( you get the point)

  8. Maybe you could try weaning yourself off slowly. If you smoke a pack a day try smoking half a pack for a month then reduce it as you go along until you stop completely.

  9. The best way to kick the nasty habit is to have a reason for wanting to quit.
    Not just any reason but a reason from deep within you.

    Quitting smoking is not easy, but it can be done. To have the best chance of …
    For most people, the best way to quit will be some combination of medicine, …

  10. Try using gum….if it does not work then have something besides drugs and stuff in your pockets….. it worked for my friend’s cousin

  11. YOu need to see what smoking is preventing you from doing. If you want to do something badly enough this will be a reason to do it. It can’t be for anyone else. This has to be for you. For example, I decided that I wanted to play raquetball. I found out that when I smoked, I couldn’t run as fast or keep up. So I quit. Cold turkey. I had a hard time finding what to do with my hands for awhile but eventually it passed.

  12. Do u have a Quitline where u live? They will send u some useful stuff. Walk more. I quit 3 years ago, cold turkey. In the end, thats what it comes down to, ur own wontpower. I have never felt better, dont have stinky clothes or breath and can spend money on other things i want as a reward. Give yourself time and take it easy on yourself. Its not easy. the best of luck to you.

  13. Ask a doctor about Nicotrol, it’s like a nicotine patch or gum ,but you put it in a pipe and inhale the nicotine. It’s like Bill Clinton in reverse, you don’t actually smoke it, but you definitely do inhale.An elderly gentleman in my neighborhood, who’d smoked for 50 years ,just quit with this.

  14. I don’t know if mine really helps but first thing you are on the first step because you want to quit smoking. when i quit smoking i didn’t use any thing not a nicotine gum nothing. I just wanted to quit. first i tried to smoke a little less than i used to smoke in one day, sometimes i smoke just 2 or 3 cigarettes a day until i get used to this i try to quit a day not smoking then i try more than one day until i totally quit.

    One very important thing is never surrender, I mean someday maybe you will quit for 5 days or more than you will return smoking, but don’t say i can’t do it and quit trying. because you can do it, if i could do it you can do it also. 🙂

  15. I am a cardiac rehab. psy. therapist. I’ve been teaching people how to quit smoking for 25 years.

    Go to my site, and look for my answer in a similiar question. Answer involves too much information. I think you’ll find what you need.


  16. One of the easiest things in the world is to stop smoking, I know, I’ve done it many times! The problem was, I always did it for the wrong reasons. I would get self conscious about smoking, especially in a peer group or business gathering, when know one else but me was smoking. Or, I would attempt to stop because I wanted to see my kids grow up, etc. etc. It wasn’t until I decided to stop because it was for me, and my health, and my longevity, and because I simply wanted to feel better physically that I was successful in quitting. The need to quit become so strong that I stopped, cold turkey! The craving lasted a couple of weeks, but the determination did not diminish, and that was 22 years ago. Even today, I wouldn’t tempt myself by putting a cigarette in my mouth. I detest the smell, yet I wouldn’t dare put one in my mouth, not even a cigar. That is how you stop smoking, and that is all I’ve got to say about that!

  17. Cold Turkey is the only sure fire way. My Dad used to smoke two packs a day and he just made up his mind that he was going to quit. He was particularly stuborn though and it may not be as easy for other people but that’s what he did. A craving supposedly only lasts two minutes and actual nicotine withdrawl is only for three days. The rest is all psychological. Try to change your habits at the times of day that you used to smoke. Most people that I know that tried the patch are smoking again now. Just do it! In a few weeks you will be able to walk up a big hill and your tongue won’t be covered with fur in the morning and you will feel the difference.

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