My dad has been smoking for more than 20 years and its really starting to show. He doesn’t have health insurance and therefore hasn’t been to the doctor in years. His coughing attacks are getting worse. I want to do whatever I can to help him quit smoking but never being in that situation, I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions that really helped you quit smoking or another person quit smoking would be extremely helpful.

I have a strategy that i used with my sister. She is such a cigarette feign that it pisses me off. We are room mates and she used to smoke in the house all the time. I couldn’t stand it so i made a rule that she had to smoke outside. Well this winter we had some pretty cold temps and she didn’t want to go outside to smoke. I had to think of something so i searched around online for these things called blu electronic cigarettes. They don’t burn tobacco, all the person gets is the nicotine. Well i bought them for her and she thinks they are pretty cool. She smokes in the house and she gets no nicotine, tar or any of that other stuff that comes with burning tobacco.
Sorry to hear about your dad, thats terrible. He should really want to quit, no one will quit unless they want to. Have you asked if you are not a good enough reason for him to quit? You dont want to be with out a dad. thats sad.
I smoked for 7 years and when i decided to quit i found it SOOO hard, have quit for 3 years now though.
I started to exercise a bit, so that helped distract me. I also bought some cigars and when i felt like i needed a smoke i bum sucked a cigar (didnt inhale). It was great to have a cigar when i was out with friends who smoked as i was doing something with my hands and felt ‘part of the group’ as such.
Since i have quit i have had a couple of drags here and there, and it goes down as smooth as it did the day i quit! I have only done it maybe 3 times, but i have no temptation to smoke ever again. It isnt worth getting cancer for.
Hope your dad stops, if he doesnt, there is a harsh reality that your gonna have to experience losing a parent to cancer. Only he can make the change, if he cares enough about you and himself.
Goodluck :/