I am pregnant and need to quit smoking. We planned on quitting after the pack we have (we split packs), However I found two new packs in his coat tonight. How do I get him to understand that him smoking while I have to quit is not going to help me and lying to me is not going to help either? He does not know I found the packs.

Every ex-smoker I have ever known, including myself, quit smoking the exact same way. We made a decision to quit, and just stopped. I never understood how people cold do that until it happened to me. My particular trigger was being rushed to hospital in an ambulance, feeling like I was dying of a heart attack. My fear of death was stronger than my love of smoking. I never wanted to be in that position again.
Being pregnant should be the trigger for you. Just imagine that little fetus in there inhaling all the hundreds or thousands of toxic chemicals that you are exposing him/her to and all the birth defects and bad health it could suffer as a result. If that doesn’t give both of you the will to quit, then I am sorry for you and your baby.
He has to care enough to stop cold turkey. Tell him that is would really important for you that he stops smoking. You have to make it important to him and the consequences for failing predictable and consistent.
When my sister was younger she told my dad that she would not accept any gifts and that all she wanted for Christmas was for him to stop smoking and be healthy, he had been smoking for 20 years and quit smoking cold turkey that night.
Good for you (for quitting for baby!),it’s unlikely that you will be able to "talk him into it",simply because it’s an addiction,so although he KNOWS he needs to quit,and he probably hates his own habit too…it’s something he has to be 100% mind/body ready to do by "choice" (his own).
What you can do though,is "demand" that he does NOT smoke around you,in the house,car,ect…for baby’s sake,and to make it easier on you to not have to "see/smell" it 🙂
To you,get some regular sized drinking straws,cut them in half (cigarette sized),you can chew/knaw them,you can "inhale" through them,this will all help play "tricks" on your mind,which right now is used to having something in the mouth/hands.
Also make sure you have the obvious on hand,sugar-free gum,candy.And lots of more "filling" snacks such as fresh fruit,nuts,ect as well.
Get rid of ALL lighters,ashtrays,ect in the house,so you don’t have to look at them LOL
Also go out and get some "plug-in’s",or carpet fresh,ect.it sounds simple,but making sure your home smells "clean/fresh" will help,again it’s a "mind trick" LOL
Good Luck hun,and congradulations on your baby!!!! 🙂
I dont know if you can take anything while pregnant, you could ask your doc about Chantix, it really works…
otherwise it will be just toughing it out, chewing gum, or something that doesnt cause you problems or weight gain …
good luck…. stay busy.. go for a walk
People talk about how they quit smoking here
Good luck
Hi Movu,
I have a solution for you. The secret to quit smoking is not to quit. It is to start smoking a healthy cigarette. Greensmoke have a healthy cigarette. It have no cancer causing substances, no secondhand smoke, no ash, no bad smells and you can also get it with or without nicotine. If you are pregnant and still wants to smoke, I recommend smoking the Greensmoke cigarette without the nicotine. All it really contain is vapor, but still tastes like a cigarette. It contains no tobacco. You don’t even light it.
Here is the link: http://www.greensmoke.com/bestprice
I hope it helps.
Will Power is huge… You also need to educate yourself on how to properly kick the habit. This will help you out when those urges come.
Congratulations! I went through the same thing. My little one is 8 months old now. You think that just because you become pregnant that all of the sudden it will be easy to quit but it’s not. You’re mind will make you feel like it’s okay to have a ciggerette when you’re goign through withdraws, and then you do and you feel so guilty. And then a half hour later you’re back to square one. Me and my partner tried to do it cold turkey but it didn’t work for either of us. He basically continued to smoke regularly and I kept ‘slipping’ WAY too often. I finally decided I need to get some help otherwise I was going to hurt my baby. And I told him he needed to get some help too. My dr told me about this product called smoke deter that I guess had worked for another one of her patients who had the same problem. It’s all natural so it was safe. It worked for both of us. I ended up using it until a month before my due date. I still havent smoked, neither has he. My dad still does though and the smell kills me. Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope you fidn a solution. It’s important that you quit but don’t beat yourself up too bad either. Stress is probably the worse than smoking. Here is a link to a website I found that reviews some of the natural products. http://www.firstproductreview.com
I also found an article that may answer some questions should you decide to try that product. http://www.squidoo.com/quit_smoking_products_review