Okay, so now you have decided it’s time to give up smoking. When you give up cigarettes you will likely experience a few strange physical sensations. This is quite normal as your body is trying to cope with the fact that it does not have the thing it is craving.
In the beginning, many people who stop smoking will have headaches. This is very common but it can be relieved by taking over the counter headache medicine such as aspirin. Remember, your body does not yet understand what it is like not to smoke.
Another very common occurrence is that many people feel tired. This is due to the fact that nicotine acts as a stimulant so you body needs to figure out how to work well without it. That is also why you might get headaches. If you drink a lot of coffee and then cut it out, you will experience the same sort of thing.
I still remember how it was before I quit smoking. I used to have a cigarette when I was trying to work out a problem – I wondered how I would ever be able to work without smoking. Well, I survived and so can you.
Another thing that also may occur is that you may have trouble sleeping. Hmm, now why could this be when I am acting tired as well? In this case its your body which is craving that nicotine it used to get all the time. Your mind is thrashing back and forth trying to cope with that drug it seems to think it needs.
Nicotine withdrawal can also lead to a lack of concentration. This could be due to a reduced level of blood sugar. Nicotine makes the body release sugar into the blood stream. This is also why people who quit seem to be hungry a lot of the time. It’s not that your are hungry more than normal folks, it’s the fact that before you skipped meals because you did not feel hungry while you were smoking. This is due to the fact that now if you skip a meal, your blood sugar will fall to below normal levels and you’ll feel faint if you don’t eat.
You may even experience flu-like symptoms if you give up smoking. It may get so bad that you will get a sore throat, start coughing, and feel tight in the chest. This is all due to your body trying to rid itself of all the toxins you have dumped into it by smoking in the first place. You may even start hacking up some disgusting stuff out of your lungs as your body tries to clean itself out.
I know this sounds horrible to some, but just think what it is doing to your body every day that you do smoke. Once you have relieved yourself of the physical dependence on smoking, these symptoms will go away.
Having smoked since a was a young boy, I was totally amazed when I actually tasted something. Once thing smoking does is to destroy your taste buds — that’s another reason why eating becomes only a necessity. However, if you can actually taste food, you will experience true pleasure in the dining experience and that is definitely worth stopping smoking.
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The release of endorphins, relieving the effects of stress, nicotine withdrawal and make it easier to get rid of tobacco addiction. The physical demand is reduced, reducing the burden of addiction withdrawal. […]
After the first week, you should have no physical quit smoking effects or fef symptoms. The second and third weeks raised anxiety and irritability and often want to smoke. After a month. The tar that covered the bronchial cilia disappeared. […]
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