Quit Smoking Physical Effects

Okay, so now you have decided it’s time to give up smoking. When you give up cigarettes you will likely experience a few strange physical sensations.  This is quite normal as your body is trying to cope with the fact that it does not have the thing it is craving.

In the beginning, many people who stop smoking will have headaches.  This is very common but it can be relieved by taking over the counter headache medicine such as aspirin. Remember, your body does not yet understand what it is like not to smoke. 

withdrawal symptoms 

Another very common occurrence is that many people feel tired.  This is due to the fact that nicotine acts as a stimulant so you body needs to figure out how to work well without it.  That is also why you might get headaches.  If you drink a lot of coffee and then cut it out, you will experience the same sort of thing. 

I still remember how it was before I quit smoking.  I used to have a cigarette when I was trying to work out a problem – I wondered how I would ever be able to work without smoking.  Well, I survived and so can you.

Another thing that also may occur is that you may have trouble sleeping.  Hmm, now why could this be when I am acting tired as well? In this case its your body which is craving that nicotine it used to get all the time.  Your mind is thrashing back and forth trying to cope with that drug it seems to think it needs.

Nicotine withdrawal can also lead to a lack of concentration.  This could be due to a reduced level of blood sugar.  Nicotine makes the body release sugar into the blood stream.  This is also why people who quit seem to be hungry a lot of the time.  It’s not that your are hungry more than normal folks, it’s the fact that before you skipped meals because you did not feel hungry while you were smoking.  This is due to the fact that now if you skip a meal, your blood sugar will fall to below normal levels and you’ll feel faint if you don’t eat.  

You may even experience flu-like symptoms if you give up smoking.  It may get so bad that you will get a sore throat, start coughing, and feel tight in the chest.  This is all due to your body trying to rid itself of all the toxins you have dumped into it by smoking in the first place.  You may even start hacking up some disgusting stuff out of your lungs as your body tries to clean itself out.  

I know this sounds horrible to some, but just think what it is doing to your body every day that you do smoke.  Once you have relieved yourself of the physical dependence on smoking, these symptoms will go away.  

Having smoked since a was a young boy, I was totally amazed when I actually tasted something.  Once thing smoking does is to destroy your taste buds — that’s another reason why eating becomes only a necessity.  However, if you can actually taste food, you will experience true pleasure in the dining experience and that is definitely worth stopping smoking.

stop smoking side effects

What Others Say about This

Quit Smoking Laser Therapy

The release of endorphins, relieving the effects of stress, nicotine withdrawal and make it easier to get rid of tobacco addiction. The physical demand is reduced, reducing the burden of addiction withdrawal. […]   

Quit Smoking Effects

After the first week, you should have no physical quit smoking effects or fef symptoms. The second and third weeks raised anxiety and irritability and often want to smoke. After a month. The tar that covered the bronchial cilia disappeared. […]

Will You Suffer From Quitting Smoking Side Effects?

Anyone who attempts to stop smoking is going to suffer from quitting smoking side effects, this is unavoidable. The side effects that you get will be both physical and psychological. It is the psychological side effects that you must overcome. […]

Stop Smoking With Laser Treatment

There is now a new laser treatment for smoking cessation.  This new technique may be the right one for you.

Laser Therapy: Treatment to Quit Smoking

The widely advertised and propagated ‘smoking is injurious to health’ is being taken seriously across the globe. However, there are smokers who find it difficult to quit smoking, despite the disadvantages. Now with laser therapy, there is hope…

laser therapy to quit smoking

The treatments to stop smoking are many. There are patches and herbal medicines to choose from. Now, people are willing to even pay thousands of dollars for the unique laser therapy that promises to offer instant relief.

Understanding the implications of the addiction:

The addiction is terrible and to ‘quit smoking’ is easier said than done. Smoking not only destroys the person’s immune system, it also affects those around. The addiction is one of a kind in this respect. It is the only addiction that is injurious to the health of everyone in the immediate environment of the person smoking. Passive smoking is a global concern, which is partially the reason why governments have stepped up on their contribution to the ‘quit smoking’ campaign. Those within a supportive environment at home and work have been able to get rid of the addiction altogether. But, sadly there are still many addicts who ignore information on the disastrous consequences and remain a threat to society and self at large.

Laser therapy to quit smoking:

Among the many treatments that have been designed in time to help people to give up the smoking addiction, the latest laser therapy seems to be catching up fast, on popularity and effect. Laser treatment to quit smoking is easily available at most multi faceted, funded and private medical facilities. A number of addicts have enrolled for the therapy. The laser treatment is commissioned by the Food and Drug Administration and involves the use of low-power laser therapy. The smoking cessation via this therapy is safe and effective. A number of cured addicts pay testimony to this. The FDA consistently evaluates the treatment and the bio-stimulation lasers used for the therapy. The laser devices are used to help provide temporary pain relief during withdrawals and finally do away with the addiction. The laser therapy to quit smoking is prominently recognized within the medical fraternity mainly due to the accompanying counseling sessions and intake of vitamins. The patients or smoking addicts are exposed to case specific information via video marketing techniques and handouts. The sessions are case specific, influenced largely by:

  • The patient’s ability to pay for the treatment
  • The patient’s level of addiction to smoking
  • The extent of withdrawals and understanding of the treatment

FDA regulations monitor the use of laser therapy to quit smoking. The governing authorities ensure that preliminary exposure to the therapy is offered at the investigational clinical analysis of every individual case. The clinical research on the therapy and its effectiveness reveals that thousands of smokers have been able to successfully quit smoking. There are many testimonials and referrals accessible online as well as offline that vouch for the treatment’s effectiveness.

How laser therapy works:

The newly researched and applied laser therapy to quit smoking basically comes from the ancient Asian healing art of acupuncture. The underlying principles are the same – reduce tension and increase circulation. The low-level laser therapy is believed to promote the release of endorphins. These natural chemicals are present in the human body and are primarily responsible for signaling a reaction to stress and decreased energy. The laser used to administer the laser treatment to quit smoking is soft and literally like a light bulb. The laser is directed and applied to certain researched energy points. These points are related to the smoking addiction. The therapy is an external procedure and has no scope for drug abuse. It is also non-thermal and hence very safe for application. The laser treatment is applied to researched points on the hands, face, ears and wrist. The patient feels nothing more than a warm, pulsating sensation.

What doctors think:

Doctors the world over are now informing those who are eager to rid themselves of the addiction, about clinical research on low-level laser. The treatment takes the patient through the initial withdrawal from nicotine and slowly conditions the psyche by boosting endorphin production. The alleviated stress enables the person to give up nicotine easily. There are a number of online as well as offline resources that offer information on the avenues to avail of laser treatment to quit smoking. The treatment is designed to help you contribute positively to society and your own development by healing from within by understanding smoking effects, to self and others.

By Gaynor Borade

quit smoking using lasers

Laser therapy to quit smoking

Study says that there is a therapy to quit smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health. There are many aids to help quit smoking and the laser therapy is one of the finest approaches. 

Laser Therapy

A recent technology that has been gaining popularity is laser therapy, which is the easy way to quit smoking. In the United States, this technology has been used since 2001. Laser therapy is a natural way to stop smoking because it does not require any medication.

Acupuncture to Quit Smoking

Acupuncture is a natural option for a smoking cessation treatment. While also used for health issues, it has been shown to help people quit smoking. … When used as a smoking cessation therapy, acupuncture involves a series of sessions, which focus on reliving the physical and mental challenges that people face when they stop smoking. It’s not painful and the treatment is offered using two methods of acupuncture, sterile needles or laser. 

Does Hypnosis Work To Quit Smoking

Does Hypnosis Therapy Give You The Willpower Stop Smoking

What is Stop Smoking Therapy in Hypnosis?

Every smoker would been alerted– by family members, doctors and even strangers about the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are some of the health problems associated with long -term smoking. But if you want to quit smoking, but just don’t have the willpower, you should seriously consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. In stop smoking hypnosis therapy you can manipulate your own subconscious into helping you break the psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes. And the sooner you are able to quit smoking, the sooner your health risks will be reduced.

  hypnosis quit smoking does it work

How Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work

Stop Smoking Hypnosis is conducted by a hypno-therapist who has been trained to provide suggestions to your subconscious mind. Everyone who smokes has your natural cigarette triggers, such as driving or eating, watching TV, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting smoking. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce your cravings and improve your confidence in your ability to quit smoking. Stop smoking hypnosis can also be done at home via CD or through other audio. The use of hypnosis to cure the habit of smoking has varying results. It depends on your susceptibility to being hypnotized. However many people believe that the therapy allowed them to quit smoking with virtually no withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

What Are The Advantages of Stop Smoking Hypnosis

There are many advantages in a stop smoking hypnosis program. There are many products in the market to help you quit smoking, including nicotine patches and gums, but all of them have some side effects. Hypnosis therapy has some unique benefits. These benefits are:

There is a decrease in health risks if the therapy is successful

The treatment uses no drug drugs
Therapy can be completed quickly and there is no long-term cost
Stop smoking hypnosis therapy also boosts your confidence
The Therapy focuses on the positive
The Therapy can be made to suit your personal smoking triggers and habits

How Do You Find a Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program

There are many ways by which you can locate a stop smoking hypnosis program. Many Stop Smoking Hypnosis therapists advertise on the Internet. Some can be found in the phone directory. Finding the right therapist to help you quit smoking is a matter of personal preference. You can search for therapists on the Internet and choose a therapist close to your location.

Some people are uncomfortable meeting with someone face to face. Don’t worry there are many stop smoking hypnosis programs available on cassette and CD that can be used in the privacy of your home.

Stop Smoking in 1 hour… GUARANTEED.

No matter how long you’ve been smoking, I’m going to reveal now the most potent, the most powerfully and expertly designed online booklet, audio file and simple breathing exercises you do to stop smoking FOREVER.

Go here now to The 1 hour, Online, Stop-Smoking Solution without drugs.

hypnotherapy smoking cessation review

How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking

The treatment techniques to help you get rid of smoking include pills, concoctions, and herbs. While a good number of them work, the others just scam you of your money and time. Of all these techniques,

Quit With Smoking Hypnotism

If you need to stop smoking, even if you have failed to stop smoking in the past, then it’s time to see smoking hypnotist to quit smoking forever. Using hypnosis to stop smoking is one of the most effective ways of quitting.

Hypnosis to stop smoking 

However, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool when you are ready to quit smoking. Loads of smokers thinks that it will be a hell both physically and mentally to quit smoking, but hypnosis can be used to ease withdrawal symptoms. 

Quitting Smoking And Alcohol – Do They Mix?

Alcohol And Quitting Smoking – You Don’t Have To Stop Socializing To Stop Smoking

Drinking is one of those things that many people say will cause you to relapse into smoking. When you quit smoking, you’re supposed to quit drinking, partying, and seeing your friends…and that doesn’t sound fun at all. It’s enough to make you not want to quit smoking.

Well, luckily that’s not the case. You don’t need to stop drinking to quit smoking. If you were to quit smoking the way that almost everyone thinks how people quit, however, you would have to quit drinking, or really doing anything at all, because all of those things can make you pick up smoking all over again…if you’ve quit the wrong way.

why dont people stop smoking

So, you’re asking, what’s the right way to stop? The way I see it, there are two ways that people quit smoking. They either force themselves to not smoke, or they become non-smokers.

There’s a difference between those two. Someone who forces themselves not to smoke still wants to smoke, they’re just denying themselves cigarettes. Someone who has become a non-smoker couldn’t really care less about smoking. As such, someone who has become a non-smoker could easily go to the bar or hang out with their friends without wanting cigarettes, because they don’t want them anyway.

In other words, the best way to quit smoking is to not want to smoke any more. If you don’t want to smoke any more, then you won’t think about cigarettes when you normally would, because you don’t feel the need to smoke.

Now that we’ve figured all of that out, you’re probably wondering just how you go about stopping your want for cigarettes, since otherwise all we’ve done here is change the name of the problem without really coming up with a solution…

By: Roger C Edwards

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Want to know how to stop wanting cigarettes? Read this book on quitting and by the time you’re done, you won’t want to smoke any more. Sounds scary? The book even asks you to smoke while you’re reading it. Pick up a copy and become a non-smoker today! 

tips on how stop smoking

Fewer adults are smoking

Is it when you’re drinking alcohol? When you’re around a certain group of people? Is it at work because everybody goes out to smoke? One of the first steps is to identify the triggers that are keeping you from quitting,” said Murff.

Why Obama and smokers fear quitting

"If you ask them why they smoke more they think it’s a social thing. It’s not a social thing. Alcohol does what stress does. It makes them lose nicotine at an accelerated pace and they have to smoke a lot more when drinking.”

Successful ways of quitting smoking

Cigarettes and social situations involving alcohol were always a problem for me, so for the 2 or 3 months after quitting, I avoided drinking. Once I was satisfied I had really kicked the habit, I was still very cautious about having a drink.

4 Reasons to Stop Smoking

4 Great Reasons To Quit Smoking Right Now

As a smoker, you are constantly told about the millions of reasons why you need to quit smoking. I know that when I smoked, I was always being reminded that I was going to have a million strokes, high blood pressure, and all kinds of other bad things. Thinking back, it was really stupid of me not to listen to people, as these are the reasons why I don’t smoke any more.

Blindness: Studies have shown that smokers are at a vastly increased risk for loss of eyesight. Turns out that smoking is around on par with moonshine for smart things to do for your vision.

why stop smoking
Heartburn: I’ve seen research about this, but I didn’t really need to, having experienced it myself. Before quitting, I smoked anywhere between one and three packs a day. I remember regularly waking up to severe heartburn.

Impotence: There are several studies out there showing a correlation between smoking and erectile dysfunction. That should be enough to make you want to quit smoking right now if you’re a guy.

Depression: Sure, depressed people are supposed to smoke. That’s what you always see in the movies. It becomes self fulfilling, though, as being a smoker keeps you depressed and makes it even harder to enjoy life.

Of course, in addition to these three are the slew of well known health risks, ranging from emphysema to lung cancer. We all know how hard quitting smoking is supposed to be, but it’s well worth it if you want to live a happy life.

By: Roger C Edwards

Like all smokers, you’re constantly reminded of all the bad points of a cigarette addiction. You don’t want to know about how horribly you’re going to die if you keep smoking, you want to know how to kick the habit! Take a look at www.howiquitsmoking.net to learn how you can stop smoking today! 4 Great Reasons to quit smoking right now

why should people stop smoking

Your Quit Smoking Guide

Write down everything that happens when you quit. There is no greater weapon than your own words. If you have a journal where you note down all your reasons and desires, you will have a place to return when you feel like giving up.

Do You Really Need Reasons To Quit Smoking?

To lead you to the strength you’ll require to effectively quit smoking, you will need to evaluate yourself and discover the real reasons behind why you are still smoking. The first and foremost of the reasons to quit smoking is your addiction to nicotine.

More Reasons To Quit Smoking

There is a study that will be published in the July issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry that suggests a direct link between smoking and brain damage.