Stop Smoking ToDay part 1: These 3 parts help people stop smoking because it addresses a number of reasons, attitudes and habits that keep people addicted to cigarettes. These 3 parts can be used in conjunction with THE KISS METHOD OF STOP SMOKING explained in Also, you can purchase an ebook or paperback book by Dr. Carol Francis that explains this approach in detail. This series is meant to be one part of a five part method of quitting smoking for those who want to quite. For many, these three hypnotic videos are sufficient to be able to quit. The mind is powerfully open to accomplishing what you want to accomplish. These videos are meant to be used when people are awake and alert and do not require you to close your eyes. So, relax, be focused and be free of that habit you’ve come to hate. From: Book at this link will help those of you who wish to implement a complete approach and have a more thorough understanding:

haha try look around the room i fell of my computer chair, all the things in my room started to get bigger and closer to me xD thats fucking scary
Right after this video i smoked 2 cigretts yeaaahhh…..
i watched this smoking one
In fact…..
stop being so American. Treat people by talking with them, not by selling a ‘cure’ to them.
this video suck it didnt even help!!!!
your into speech actually made me pause it so I could light up. thanks for the reminder!!!
i am a fucking god damn smoker i wont stoip evemn if u create 1000 videos like this
brb smoke
lol i was planing to watch after reading a few comments to see if it works, so i go to watch it trying my best to concentrate and the only thing i can concentrate on is your comment, well i could not stop laughing imagineing you falling of the chair lol.
i didnt stop smoking but had a really good laugh
I guess i just had a seizure… xD
.. yeah .. you kinda begin to feel .. empty … right ?? xD I really hope this works.. no I don’t hope.. It has worked !!! 🙂 I don’t smoke anymore.. ! yeah..
Made me dizzy. Did it work? Hmmm….nope. Gonna go smoke now.
thank you! month so far :D
you’re right, you will never ever stop smoking, you hate those that tell you to stop smoking, so can i suggest you prove them all wrong and carry on smoking and smoking and smoking, go on, you show em!
Question: Why if you have no intention of stopping, did you find yourself clicking on this video, often that part of you that wants to stop will surface, even briefly, ever given that some thought? That’s some label you’ve given yourself there! Be well pal!
all this video doez iz make u smoke. if u fast foward it to 407 tha damn lady tellz u ta smoke and ta continue smoking!
i prefer the more realistic aproach. it takes more energy to light a smoke than it does to put one out. so take a break
I watched several mintues of it , then I looked away and the room started to close in. No thankyou
Yes, that experience is the optical illusion that results from the optic nerves reacting to the visual movement. It is not for everyone. But keep plugging away at finding your path to stop smoking (if that is what you were wanting) so you can have your life be what you want it to be. Cheers and good luck!
Omg that optical thing is awesome
I stopped smoking three days ago…this is the first time I wanted a cigarette so I came here…not sure if it helped..but if you truly want to quit …try anything…keeping busy and going for walks seems to be the best for me so far…good luck.
Nice voice, cool effect.. it is worth a try… better than keeping smelling terribly bad and as if u had the Old Nick himself in your mouth and not doing anything about it…
Thanks. Hope you are having the success you know you want. You can receive some reading materials too that might help in conjunction with these three videos. If you look for the book under my webpages, under the hypnosis section and you will see a book link there. Take care.
I listened to this three days ago and have returned again. I feel that the things Dr. Francis says are extremely powerful and have life-changing potential. However, I am just listening to the tape without looking at the moving visual. I hope that will not lessen the effectiveness.
I’m going to try this.. but I’ll go from my normal 10 smokes a day, to now starting 5 then on monday 2 , and wendsday then 1, and by friday I wont smoke any more . (:
hope it works!!
Hey nice video, really helpful. For all those interested in other quitting smoking techniques, check this watch?v=NTdL5cSY2Ao
Very nice video, I should say there are a lot of methods to stop smoking but this is one of the best.