Watching this highly effective stop smoking hypnosis session will help you to quit smoking for good. Please note that this session is hypnotic in nature so please do not listen to it whilst doing something that requires your full attention. To get the maximum benefit from this session we recommend listening to it in a place in which you will be the most comfortable. This highly effective stop smoking hypnosis session was recorded live by expert hypnotherapist Gary Maddison at: MP3 Download Now Available The mp3 version of this self hypnosis session is now available for you to download. Listening to this session on mp3 give you the flexibility of of being able to listen to it away from your computer. You can purchase this session for the low price of £5.00 by clicking on the link below.

Thanks Gary. This was so relaxing. I love your voice and your accent. I yawned and yawned! I’ll let you know if it works. I may put it on again bedfore I go to sleep. this was very nice of you to do.
Thanks for your comment. A good idea is to make a list of all the postive benefits of being a non-smoker. Then when you listen to the session and I get you to think about these benefits it will help to make the suggestions so much stronger.