Directions: Sit comfortably, and make sure volume is correct. This video works on several levels of your consciousness at once, and is a one-of-a kind, since I am a hypnotist as well as powerful distant healer. Do not cheat yourself–decide with honest heart to stop smoking, and this video will help you. Watch this video 10 times, once every few days, or every day. If you acheive results please share on the comment box. Hypnosis and Qi healing via skype video, per session. Please contact via my youtube message.

oh my god i think this actually worked i havnt smoked in 3 weeks
thank you
Thank you
thanks i hope this works
Thank you, I like your video and I am going to watch it 10 times a day, everytime I v’e got cravings. I ‘ve started NRT therapy today and I believe this plus your video + electronc ciggies (no nicotine , no poisson) will make me successful in quiting smoking this time round. I’ve never been so confident.
your really cool for posting this. i hope you get a million hits
yes the volume is horrible on your videos needs to be louder ,i can tell because all other videos on youtube are louder
good video but still litttle sound should raise the sound then repost
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fantastic video, i believe this will work for me, thank you i’ll be watching this video 10 times a day and i’m sure i will be a non smoker for the rest of my life. cheers
thank you !
Hi again, it’s been 11 days now 🙂 i quit on the same day that i 1st watched this video. I do believe that this is working for me. Thank you
PLEASE FIX THE AUDIO I love this but cann barely hear
been given up 2 months really felt it helped me length was just right
This is not a scam. Hypnotherapy really works. If you want to really stop your bad habit. I suggest you follow the video. Thanks for sharing!
I was once a heavy drinker and smoker. But when i decided to change, my wife recommended me to a hypnotherapist. 3 months of successive treatmet. i was’s true. try it if you want to have that safe and clean change in you.