Since three weeks i m trying to quit medicine and taking medicines.At start i felt so much anxiety which was unbearable. I fought with my brothers. Now I feel much better but still feel anxiety . Should i waste all my effort to quit smoking or wait for some more time hoping to get rid of anxiety soon.

No you can still keep smoking but not used the same store bought junk that ruins yoru lungs.
Have you ever tried the ecigs? I smoked for years and could never quit. I finally tried the ecigs and I have never picked up a regular cigg again.
You cant do cold turkey, youll just end up smoking again. the patches dont really do it and candy or gum is a joke. I have heard it all. These are the ones I used and they are awesome. You still get a little buz and no toxins in yoru systems. The first shipment is free which gives you a chance to try it out. Check it out.
Good Luck and Hope it helps.
You might be better off seeing a doctor if your anxiety is really bad, there is medication you can take for it, I had a friend that was on beta-blockers for her anxiety when it got really bad and she was going through giving up smoking AND exams at the same time.
You should not smoke for any reason when you have taken a lot effort to stop it. It will do more harm than good things. If you really can’t quit smoking,then refer to a specialist on their advice how to stop it.
dont smoke evar or santa wont give u anything lol but dont smoke its bad for your health good luck i hope this helps
seems to me you need to see your doctor. you’re using smoking to calm you down but nicotine is more dangerous than rattle snake venome so see doc for meds asap!