www.lifeprinciples.com This motivation video uses hard facts and emotional persuasion for people to make the decision to kick their bad habits such as Quit Drinking Alcohol, Quit Smoking Cigarettes, Cannabis, Crack, Opeates, Heroin, methamphetamine , Quit Snorting Cocaine, Ketamine, Crystal Meths or Stop Taking Methadone, Subutex (Buprenorphine) or Narcotics. Sometimes its easy to forget what a wonderful gift life is until its too late. When you are lying on your death bed and you start to think that life was just too short. It only seemed like yesterday that you had your 10th birthday, when you were in school, when you started your first job. It just seems like a fleeting moment in time, gone in the blink of an eye. Then you wish you has just one more year; just think what you could do in that time? You could go and visit a far off place you always wanted to visit but never got around to it. Maybe you could go and look at a beautiful sunset from an airplane? Maybe you want to experience a total eclipse of the sun. Maybe you want to do something much simpler like smell the roses, feel the raindrops on your face, appreciate the beauty of spring. Maybe you want to tell someone you love them, or that you are sorry. Maybe you want to eat some exotic fruit that you have seen time after time but never bothered to taste it. By this time you are beginning to realize that you have wasted between 10 to 20 years of your life through smoking. Whats more, you paid some £100000 over …

You are simply delusional. Just like all those people on the biggest loser who thought that being 400 pounds isnt that bad/unhealthy.
It is fact that it causes emotional addicition, and well documentented in the scientific community. YOU might not get it, but nearly everyone else does.
I dont get effected, AT ALL with nicotine. I smoked for months and literally one day I said “this is a waste of my time and money” and quit without any withdrawl problems, etc.
@ACEDcomputers no ur wrong they did a documentary on where a guy didnt smoke weed for a month, then he smoked weed constantly over the next month, then he went without it for another month… and they did tests on all three months and saw that he didnt get addicted, had no physical mental or emotional damage, and didn’t lose any brain damage….. oh yeah, have you ever tried weed?
” they did a documentary”
-Proof? Link?
@ACEDcomputers lol!
nobody dies from weed, nobody is addicted to weed
@didyormama its will power, i tried fasting for 3 days without food. if you do this you will realize how easy it is to deprive yourself of things.
I did hear that smoking weed of any sort can cause harm to the brain, BUT, you would have to smoke it none stop for a VERY long time before any mental side effects start to occur. Smoking weed minimally generally doesn’t do harm.
I find it laughable that SO many people drink alcohol WAY past their limit, causing a hell of alot more damage to themselves and frequently to others because of what it makes you do, they do that and think it’s okay but when it comes to smoking whatever? SHOCK HORROR!
Herb,like anything else enjoyable,can become a habit.When I stop smoking here and there to give my tolerance a little bit of a rest,I have other things to do to keep me occupied like exercising and I don’t fiend for it and don’t think about it much at all.On the other hand,when I quit cigarettes coldturkey,it was like a week and a half of hell.Fortunately,I had to quit drinking too or else I wouldn’t quit tobacco cause they go together for me.Now,I stick to strictly herb and couldn’t feel better
scary movie that dont work see that all…
@krusty627 i would like you to show me a medical report stating this. The ones published say the opposite.
@krusty627 bob marley died from infection
@Shokat01 thats bullshit bob marley died of skin cancer nothing to do with weed smoking and there is no evidence at all the says weed is harmful even uk scientists said that it wasent as bad as drink or cigs in 2009…
People Just go watch “The Union” and dont fucking compare cannabis to nasty ass fucking tabacco!!!! Is thiis the new fucking propaganda againts cannabis???? Its alll about making fucking money for this people and not the facts!
@Shokat01 i know what your trying to do but your a goof dont talk about cannabis as a drug plzzz it people like you that make it sound as it is one and much respect for makeing this video i have friends that i will show this to now
quit smoking is not hard, why you lie people? For your interest – how stupid this is! But every body, you just need to know how, it’s fuuny and easy, it’s only a habbit, just look for good hipnotherapist, go to therapy, and after that read Allen Car’s Easy way to stop smoking, to make sure that you will never start again, and this is the winners formula, trust me, i have a lot of “hands on”!!! Be good to yourself, do this formula! Greatings from Serbia!!!
the last clip was said
8:09 made me cry… I quit smoking…
Ooooh Shit.. i gotta quit smoking, i m 15 year’s old and i smoke for 2 years when i started at 13… i do not want to look like that n 10 years time….
@delacoie smoking weed is addictive in some sense. why do i continue to do it. i wouldnt mind stopping for health reasons but im not going to. soon as i get home from work, i spark one up. been like that for 15 years now.
@1000ouija He actually died of a brain tumour but yeah, it’s the same point. Weed/tobacco had no relation to Bob Marley’s death whatsoever so it’s a poor example to use in relation to scare-mongering the smokers.
@krusty627 Bob marley did indeed not die of old age, he died of gangrene in his toe, after he kicked a football funny.
I’m getting so tired of these scare tactics.
Can’t you just let people kill themselves in peace?
@krusty627 umm ya marijuana and caffeine have the same addiction rate. caffeine does more damage to your body than pot does. search on wikipedia. com Lysergic acid diethylamide and scroll down to Adverse effects and look at the chart to the right and observe the addiction rate and bodily affect. take in consideration both rates and read my previous comments on this video.
I’ll smoke pot and ciggarettes if i want. I dont care if you think different so cut tha crap with these commercials.
@vmr2017 If you want to smoke cigs or pot then no amount of persuasion will stop you. Do you think the pictures of dead or diseased people on the back of cigarette packets has stopped anyone from smoking? You have every right to exercise the choices you make in life but unfortunately YOU are responsible for the outcome. However, governments would be abdicating their responsibility if they did not encourage people to quit smoking as it costs a lot of money in hospital bills and health care costs.