I Want to Quit Smoking
I wanted to quit smoking so bad! I has tried everything from gum to medication. I found the only true solution. It did not include any substance except using my head.
So I had been smoking for 7 years and I came up with many excuses to quit smoking. I felt so bad I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs in my house without feeling out of breath.
I tried the gum and it seemed to not fulfill my craving for that taste of smoking. I then tried the patch and saw myself smoking and using the patch. I would start trembling,getting headaches and realized that this was more than a chemical dependency.
I realized that I needed more than nicotine and I was doing a lot of things out of habit. I just couldn’t figure out why my simple habit as a teenager turned into a all out addiction.
Psychology calls this a oral fixation. It is the desire to always seek some sort of security by having something in your mouth. This starts at day one when you start sucking your thumb or pacifier. I remembered this in my college psychology 101 class.
I knew then it would be a fight and one of the hardest habits I could break. My health was at stake and I really needed to overcome this. After one day I saw my father in law quit smoking after 60 years. He had done the same thing he tried everything in the world to quit smoking.
He just said "I want to quit smoking!" I then knew he was serious he was fed up.
The next instance was my own father saying smoking is for weak minded people. He said this while I was smoking in front of him. I was mad and wanted to smoke even more. But, then it reiterated what I was thinking, this was all mental and no nicotine gum or patch would stop this mental addiction.
I then said to myself after smoking the last one in my pack in some rebellion or defiance to my dad. I was only hurting myself. I looked in side and said to myself "I want to quit smoking!"
You are reading this because you are probably like me and saying those magic words. Guess what I have said those words and have been smoke free for over 10 years!
Want to know how? Well I had some help. I said…
By Shane Hale Published: 6/26/2009 |
These 3 key steps will make is a little easier to quit smoking. The first step is making the decision to quit; a firm no-going-back kind of decision. Write down every reason why you want to quit; and you must really want to stop smoking.
No. 1: Know Why You Want to Quit So you want to quit smoking, but do you know why? “Because it’s bad for you” isn’t good enough. To get motivated, you need a powerful, personal reason to quit. Maybe you want to protect your family from secondhand smoke.
I keep failing to quit smoking Cigarettes. Going on 12 years or more at 3 packs a day is getting the best of me. I want to quit for my wife kids and myself (and to have more cigar money lol). If you have any advice for me please pass it along.