After 26 years, and recently being diagnosed with first stage emphysema, I’ve decided to quit smoking. I committed to documenting my quit smoking journey to help others overcome the addiction. I hope you’ll find the inspiration to quit too!

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Well done on day 1!
nice work champ
You are the man. Good luck. i know you can do it.
Congrats on making it through your first day!! Keep up the good work.
Nice work man!
Well done mate, you say you feel like something is missing maybe try and compensate with something else? Like a bottle of water or something….. just a suggestion 🙂
Congrats for getting through the first day…. keep it up
Sending some good vibes your way! Day one – nicely done.
Damn, you are so lucky to live near such a beautiful beach. Good luck with quitting, you can do it!
cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers and wintergreen Lifesavers help me alot. Good luck Darren.
Well my sugestion would be to take your mind of it ,is to have plenty of sex ? but that would not work as you want a smoke after it {+_+} so hope it goes well for you as it’s not easy thing to give up …good luck
Are we ever going to see you in a mankini again? I hope so! 🙂
Good luck.
@mynoon1999 - cheers…
@shadapakap – it may just come out again…
@deke441 – ok… Will check them out…
@iainmac2 – yeah it’s only a 1 minute to the sand…
@Missy Ratliff – appreciate the support…
If ur cravings for smoking rise, just eat a pie
should have thrown the last smoke out! that would have been awesome! 🙂
Hey man, new sub here! Just got done with your Silver/Gold video. SHIT I wish I seen that video a year ago, I would of bought heaps in Silver. Anywho good luck on the quiting! I myself have tried 4 times and failed each time with a promise to myself each packet I buy will be the last… I’m sure I will get over it too. By the way I live down near Evans Head NSW which I seen you drive past on on of your camping trips on your other channel..
You’re going great and doing awesome, Darren!
Expect to be very sad soon, too, because you lost your constant companion of 26 years, so you will probably need to mourn for the old friend a bit, lol.
Hang in there! When it gets really tough, find something new to do – maybe try a new hobby like Geocaching!
out of all the cigarettes, the last one you ever have is the best
Detox box looks great! Off to a nice start Darren! Ugggh look at the beach, GORGEOUS!
@juiicyxoprincess – had a little setback today as you’ll see I’m the other videos, but I’m back on track again…