i need to help my fren quit smokin.. he wants to do it but hasnt been very successful till now jus bcoz he never gets around to startin with da cutting down.. n da minute i try talk to him bout it he seems to increase it.. is there any way i can help him without makin it obvious??

Well quitting smoking is very difficult for those who smoke many times a day. But tell him to be brave and don’t use any patches or medicines (I recommend) because they can be dangerous in many cases. But when he will quit smoking by himself, without using any medicines, then he will become confident, it increases confidence in man, it makes you brave.
you can get the niqoderm cq patch that helps you stop smoking
No . It’s a personal decision. He has to want to quit to seceed.
His best way would be to go cold turkey.
1-wear only shirts with pockets.
2-keep his cigerettes in a shirt pocket while quitting.
3-leave them there while quitting without smoking any of them.
you cannot hide from a bad habit yuou have to look it dead on and overcome it.
Ask him if he had to choose between you and smoking what would he do.
he’s the one that smokes and he’s the one that has to want to quit… you can’t do it for him… you can’t fool him into it either… he will only not smoke around you, that’s all.
FIRST he has got to decide to quit! The best way to quit "cold turkey"!
When he is ready – he will quit= help him if he asks- don’t bug him about it= that apparently makes him want to smoke more-D
You can’t make anyone do anything that they don’t want to; I wouldn’t even try (it’ll just piss him off–the constant nagging). It’s like alcoholism, they’re not going to quit until they’re ready to quit; when the pain of not quitting gets to be worse than the pain of quitting.
And, the only way to quit for sure is cold turkey. One can use the patch as directed to get over the acute nicotine addiction (and associated shakes and tremors). But then, one must just make up ones mind that "I’m not going to smoke again; not just one, not just cut down, but smoke the last one in the last pack in the last carton", and give away the lighters and ashtrays and anything else that reminds one of smoking in any way; if you get the urge to smoke, the shakes, the cravings, you just say "No", and use will power alone. Smoking quit groups also help a lot, too.
But you can’t make him; no one can, except him.
Your fren should try da patch or da Zyban.
No! He has to do it himself. I quit smoking 9 mo ago after smoking for over 20 yrs, it hasn’t been easy but I had to because I have asthma & it almost killed me. That made me finally stop. Before that just thinking about trying to quit made me want a cigerette, anyone else saying something to me about quiting made me mad even though I knew they only said it because they cared about me. Smoking is a very hard thing to quit, don’t bug your friend about it, let him decide for himself & then just support him.