Preview how how the quit smoking program works | | Day 1 Most people thinking quitting smoking is hard, anything you think is hard will be hard. That is just Big Tobacco brainwashing you into thinking it’s hard so that way you don’t quit smoking. Learn how to take control of your addiction and quit smoking, permanently. Money Back Guarantee…this program works.

My eye just got a dose of awesome!
Hit me up! I need tips for your amazing video skills!
Cool, gonna watch the rest of your vids now 🙂
This is a really helpful video! Thanks for posting!
Surely this will help people change their minds…great video and effort….
I will definitely show this to my smoker friends. I hear that habits are kicked after 2 weeks but this gives them 21 days to kick that nasty habit. I’m glad that this doesn’t just say “quit smoking” instead its more of a “here’s how you can quit smoking”
This video was best suited for people those who wish to quit smoking.This video gives the idea of how we can quit smoking easily.I like it very much.I wish that every smokers will see this video.
This videos is very helpful for the smokers who wants to quit smoking but cannot do because of the lack of proper guidance.
21 steps to my destination…….
As a smoker who has tried many of the ways mentioned to quit, I like this video and how it is approaching a method to quit smoking with education about physical and psychological issues, or non issues, with nicotine. I will be showing this to other smokers I know that have tried unsuccessfully to quit.
The way you are trying to quit smoking seems great, but i can’t say it will be effective for all the smokers out there !!!!!
It will work for about half of them. 🙂
good video, i already quit smoking. When i get into the situation i eat or drink something spicy or very cool. What we need is mind control to control smoking
I tried the gum and patches and all it ever did was make me cut down but once I ran out or tried to stop I started back to smoking about a pack a day. I might give this way a try. I’m tired of spending money on cigs.
Great video.Started this smoke quiting project and so far so good.One day withous cigarettes,what a relief.And i believe like you said everything is in our heads.
great job ……people like me , who really wants to quit this will definitively like this
helpful and informative, thanks
It is a very nice steps to help those who want to quit smoking. Hope many people will be benefited
This video is really helpful for the people who want to quit the smoking easily for whom it is very difficult to get rid of this addiction. I will suggest this video to some of my friends who are really willing to quit the smoking. Great work.
its a great way to quit smoking….i was a smoker for 25 years and then i stopped…..i would be thankful when i had help like that….but one little thing i dont like about this video 😉
Please change the gets boring after a couple of minutes and my attention drove away…even i though the information is very interessting and the idea is great
Great video.Started this smoke quiting project and so far so good.One day withous cigarettes,what a relief.And i believe like you said everything is in our heads.Good message
If you willing to quit smoking , you CAN DO IT!!! Don’t listen to what others say. Just save that money to help a poor child. There is NO benefits of smoking. You will only loose your self.
The most important thing to quit smoking is to have a dedication and proper planning. In most of the cases, the dedication is there but lacks proper planning. This video is a great initiative to increase the dedication to quit smoking. It will definitely helpful for many smokers who really want to quit smoking. I would definitely looking forward to see the other related videos and make another move towards the great initiative. I would also make sure that it will reach many more smokers.
This should be a great inspirational and informational video for those who are trying to quit smoking. It is useful for me to quit smoking. The way you used to broadcast is very effective.
The program works a lot like what you just mentioned. For the first 10 days you continue to smoke because you need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for withdrawal. On that 11th day you finally put out that last cigarette and it feels amazing.