Quiting smoking is easier than you think, I read allen carrs book and it convinced me I didnt neeed to keep smoking to be happy. I Love Cigarettes”. Allen Carr gives has a pretty damn good argument on smoking, it convinced me (a 5 year smoker) to quit cold turkey. It has been a couple months now and I’m still going strong Smoking that is.,… Sorry haters and Trolls, im not going anywhere!

Good going, it gets easier the longer you go without. I also smoked for 25 years and the switch I turned that made it possible was taking an active role in the decision. I went from, “I want to quit” to “I’m stopping”. For me it made all the difference. Once you get past the initial withdrawal, 72 hours or so, it’s just a matter of time till the cravings get less and less until one day you realize it’s been a while and you feel great!
no this is a very old video, from october last lear… sone know why it popping up on the radar though…
15 years of smoking 10 years of a pack a day.
Done after reading a book, cant fucking believe it myself.
awesome , the book is a real eye opener huh… glad it working for you, stay tough, forst 3 weeks are the worst, its all cake after that. just remember the best parts of the book that effected you the most and remind yourself all the time why you are better with out cigarettes….
glad to hear man!
Thanks for the support. I am on month 3 now smoke free.
There was no “worst” for me, right from the first day I felt like a million bucks and haven’t looked back. still can’t fucking believe it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Thanks for the video I hope more smokers see it.
Just have to thank you for turning me onto the book. My wife and I read the book and quit over 2 months ago and have not looked back. Thanks again!
thats so great, its a great feeling isnt it. congrats
i read the book and im a happy,healthy non smoker 6 months now and going stronger,thank you Allen Carr
Out of interest how did you get on ? U still not smoking?
Allan Carr went back to smoking and died of lung cancer in his 70s. just sayn.
no, he did not go back to smoking.. he died of cancer, but that from he had developed due to smoking for the majority of his life…
sooo… what are you really saying?
last weekend was my 1 year Aniv. No smoking still.
out standing man! I have been free for about a year now. keep on it man
I wasnt be snide or derogatory. What I said is what i meant. Just stating a fact I read.
He died of lung cancer, yes, but I think you made the first part up. just sayn
What you think is im being snide, like putting dow Allen Carr, and Im not. He did not put down cigarettes then never pick up again. He did pick up again. Hey, President Obama openly admits he smokes yet how often do you see him smoking. Allen Carr was a wealthy man and if he didnt want to be seen smoking that it. His book get organized the easy way sucks and so does lose weight the easy way. The stop smoking book is the only one with substance. Dean Koontz has a ghost writer so did Carr.
Im not looking for a pissing match here, I wasnt being snide either, lets just move on… Im smoke free for over a year not I I dont give two shits what the guy died of , how or why… he helped me and I was only explaining why and how i quit… DONE
by the way… i forgot to say, thank you for watching, ( not snide still) have a good one, and cheers.
Dude, Im proud that you absorbed a concept about addiction from a book. I bought a book that was called the easy way to build muscle and grow a six pack. I was excited and had enthusiasm. This was going to be no sweat!! Dude, at the end of the first weeks workout, seriously, it was clear. Anything worth having in life, takes hard work and dedication. Only Lazy unmotivated people believe in a fast, no effort, no dedication, easy way to greatness.
yep, so true.
Your welcome. I only watched cause you used Allen Carrs name. Once again not snide, fact. lol. take care.
What I find amazing, and a real testament to how effective Easyway is, the pdf you read was an older version of the book. The newer version of the book is expanded slightly to more deeply make the points he makes, as well as having more years of feedback from those who attended Easyway clinics, and more info in the back of the book about where to find an Easyway clinic (There are more clinics than there used to be. They are found in more than 150 cities in more than 45 countries worldwide ).
He started Easyway in 1983. The version of the book you read was published in 1999. And, though there are some additions to the text, the method is exactly the same as it was back then. I’m glad someone recommended Easyway to you. Congrats on being free more than a year already. I hope your video inspires others who are trying to stop smoking to pick up the book (or PDF) so that they too can stop smoking the Easy Way.
Im not sure that it was the older of the two. I looked and the publish date was in the 2000’s I wouldnt have read an older one, as I did expect a change of subjective
That’s interesting… whenever I search I always come up with the 1999 version. It’s pretty cool that you found a more recent version.