This is a good video for those people who really want to quit smoking. It will help you deal with the craving and emotional struggle to quit smoking for good. Note – Do not watch this video immediately after you smoke, otherwise you’ll have to wait at least an hour or so. My goal with this video is to see if I can help at least one person quit smoking just by using the information shared in this video alone. Basically do the following 1) Make a firm decision to quit smoking (and I know this isn’t all that easy for some) 2) Clear your emotional cravings associated with smoking. By removing all the emotional cravings, you will literally feel different and have the freedom to quit or to go back to it, rather than feeling like a victim to cigarettes. This video will lead you to another video which you can apply to clear the craving. Once you’ve done that, notice how the craving feels. In the video I ask you to rate the intensity of the craving on a scale from 1 to 10. Notice how it feels after using the techniques. If there’s more left, just keep applying the techniques until it’s gone. Then test it again. Try to see if you can trigger the ‘craving’ response by smelling it or taking a dry drag, or imagine never being able to smoke again. If there’s still some craving left, just go back to the other video and apply it again until the need to reach for a cigarette is gone. If after a while, you feel you want to get one last cigarette then you’re not completely free of it yet. Notice the feeling inside of you that makes you want that one last cigarette. Once the craving response is gone completely, you will likely …

What video? Your pointing at nothing?
hmm that was odd the annotation didn’t show up. I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know!