I have been smoking for 17 years and I know I need to quit. After tryig several different methods, I cannot find anything that works for me. How did you quit? I need some help on how to quit before I kill myself with these things.

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
I have tried lots of methods as well like, cold turkey, patches and stuff like that. After about 20 failed attemps I decided to try cigarrest. That was 2 years ago and I have not had a craving or even thought about smoking a cig since then. Maybe this is the one for you too. I hope so.
How about not buying or using cigarettes anymore? Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh………………………
I quit several decades ago and never started up again.
It was simple, but by that I don’t mean easy.
I reprogramed my mind. Everytime I wanted a cigarette I repeated the words:
I don’t smoke anymore !
The first three weeks are the most difficult.
I wanted a cigarette very much, but I didn’t give in because I knew one would be too many and 20 not enough……
Don’t give up. Be strong and you will succeed !
Good luck !
This website helped me quit. It’s free.