whyquit.com This is a good website I usually tell my people (some of my hard headed friends, LOL) to check out. There is another I liked but I have to find it. Quit smoking and many other habits begin with the state of mind. The way we look at the habit and approach the challenge. Positive minds and proactive choices that take into account our desired result is the beginning point to give the most chances for success. We must be intentional in our decisions to eliminate the triggers and be exposed to positivity so that we are empowered to stay on track. There are even certain foods to help with the cravings I will post a website I came across one, got to find it again with a lot of good tips. I was addicted to black and milds one time so I know how hard it is to stop. I quit once then thought I could do it leisurely a few months later when drinking and started back smoking them again. Seemed harder to quit the second time than the first. One of the things I did though was shot video of me actually smoking. I tell you it is the most stupid looking thing I ever saw. I was so unimpressed with how I looked (as if I was the shit, doing something cool!) it wasn’t long before I was able to put it aside for a while. I thought about how ridiculous I look and how I used to try and get rid of the smell because to me the smell after smoking was not pleasant. I didn’t mind the smell while I was smoking but afterward, I wanted it to leave. (Yeah, I know, I am special) I figured, hmmmm …

Good info… Keep em coming!