This is a good video to help you prepare to quit smoking for good. Discover How To Quit Smoking With Ease? In this video, you’ll learn how you can quit smoking with little effort. Pick up tips on how to stop smoking effectively. The new eBook, Smoke No More, reveals the beverage you MUST drink to repair the debilitating damage smoking has done to your circulatory systemto you; the secret stuff you should chew to keep your mouth occupied so that it will forget how to even pronounce the word cigarette!; and how to keep your mind away from smoking! Get The Latest Quit Smoking Information and Resources Here At:

i chew about 5 peaces a day and that doesn’t make any since with me.. i took no money with me so i dont buy . but i still cant stop i took from a guy in the street a cigar -_- help please
stay far from other smokers…i have an addiction but its small i only smoke half a day of a cigarette
My experience tells me that your mind must be committed firs. After that try the patch . Gum doesn’t really work for me. Patch definetely works better…
Check out my buddy Bob’s way to quit smoking by visiting my youtube page.
Just do Cold Turkey. It’s quick and easier in the end. Be strong. Don’t worry abot being with smokers – just be strong.
Whenever I quit I always do it cold turkey. I always wound up going back but never gave up on quitting and I’m currently a non smoker, so don’t let one slip or even 100 slips discourage you, never quit quitting because it’s something worth perservering for, the reward is amazing!!
@7456627 Keep smoking! No real reason to quit. research the numbers…..the WHO/CDC statistics show that smokers only have an 8% chance of getting lung cancer…this is only 7% more than if you DIDNT SMOKE AT ALL!!! LOL! Smoking DOES increase your chances of getting lung cancer….but not by very much…and this is from the WHO/CDC’s own statistics…So I say…smoke up!
this was 2 months ago .. and you know .. i still smoke .. nothing happened to me till now ..
that’s why i will not stop smoking ..
thanks for the advice .
Yeah, I always figured with nicotine gum, or the patch, your still adding nicotine to your system, So doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of quiting smoking ? COLD TURKEY. Today is day 15, and I only have had a few bad cravings.
cold turkey! 🙂
I quit after 15 years cold turkey. It’s been a year now and I have no cravings. You have to have a good motivation to quit.. you can’t prep yourself to quit, you just have to have a damn good reason. Mine was that a guy I know who smoked non-filters for 20+ years 2 packs a day quit. When I heard his dumb loser ass quit, I quit because I thought it was bullshit a dipshit like him could do it and I couldn’t!! He went back to smoking after a few days, but I held out. Take it 1 day at a time
Does this music remind anyone else of Daggerfall?
thats stupid, of course you can prep yourself. its a ‘mental battle’ so assuming you get into a good state of mind, you will have a better chance of quitting.
besides that, this video just mkaes me want to smoke more lol. i just got a quit smoking pack from the nhs and it has nothing good in it; a wall chart and some other paper crap, a toothbrush, and a little plastic thing to keep your hands busy, i thought they would be able to do more…
i have never played that but i have morrwind and oblivion good games
Dude seriously yea sure it does increase it a little bit but if you keep on going and smoking your chances would go waaaaaay further than 7% witch could lead to death
Nope…7% is the number by which your chances of getting lung cancer is increased…as worked out by the WHO/CDC…who btw are certainly NOT working for the tobacco lobby! LOL I know the whole “smoking = cancer” thing has been repeated so often…that even when you point someone to the actual statistics done by the CDC and WHO…they STILL dont belive it…and try to argue against it! well the truth is…Smoking = a 7% greater chance of cancer than not smoking! These are the #’s deal with it!
tired of giving my money to death-monger profiteers…
@Tom6093 – I stopped last night at 9:20PM and I’m seriously trying but now I’m starting to doubt my self! Hows your attempt going?
my friend quit by trying to smoke 20 packs in a day he got so sick of it he quit after the15th
I offer realistic ways to quit smoking, I know it’s hard I used to smoke for a long time! Check out my video for all the info, I GUARANTEE you will quit using my help.
Have a great weekend, hopefully you take my advice!
Hey im actually starting ti quit its interfearing with my life i was up to a pack a day now im at 1-2 a day sometimes none at all
@cheonmunka Got to agree it’s hard but over in 2-3 days. For me anyway.
I quit for 11 eleven years and then for no reason I can think of I asked a friend for a cigarette. That was May of 2009. I am now on day 8 of my new attempt. It seems much harder this time around.