Its driving my absolutely crazy, my dad smokes non-stop everyday, on the balcony and I can frequently smell it… I’ve been trying to persuade him to quit for years, but he never does. The subject of smoking always ends up in a heated argument and it really starts to affect the relationship a lot.
Plus the cigarettes cost a lot due to laws and it really gets on my nerves because its a waste of money. I really am concerned that I have been exposed one time to many, I have to eat dinner a lot and the guests smoke so much that I am concerned about getting illnesses from second hand smoke…
Its driving my absolutely crazy, my dad smokes non-stop everyday, on the balcony and I can frequently smell it… I’ve been trying to persuade him to quit for years, but he never does. The subject of smoking always ends up in a heated argument and it really starts to affect the relationship a lot.
Plus the cigarettes cost a lot due to laws and it really gets on my nerves because its a waste of money. I really am concerned that I have been exposed one time to many, I have to eat dinner a lot and the guests smoke so much that I am concerned about getting illnesses from second hand smoke…
The facts don’t really work aganst him (well he never pays tha slightest attention on stuff that says bad things about smoking)…

You can’t it is going to have to be a personal choice for him.
take him to the doctor and show him the x-rays to his lungs and what he has forward to look towards
show him a real smokers lung, and see what he says about that.
You are not going to convince him.
But, for what it’s worth: Both my parents smoked, and both my parents-in-law smoked. They all probably died prematurely. My kids barely had any time with their grandparents. Both the grandparents and the grandkids have missed out on the special relationship that grandparents have with their grandchildren.
Try a different approach.
Negotiate. Ask him what would it take for him to quit smoking. Offer something that you do if he quit smoking.
You can’t and shouldn’t try to your father no doubt knows the facts and has made his choice and that is just what it is. Not only that but if you really do some research on second hand smoke you find that the report all the second hand smoke info is based on was found unconstitutional by the EPA.
Somebody has to quit smoking for them selves not because somebody else convinces them to. there is so much information around about the health problems of smoking and second hand smoke and if some body’s still smoking than it’s a deeper problem than a choice. For your own self, try to avoid the second hand smoke.
Start smoking in front of him!!! no really get a jar of water with used fag butts put the lid on and wait a few hours and give it to him. Or get a jar and place the cost of a packet of fags in there every day he’ll soon get the message. Or take him to a local hospice where people are dying from lung cancer. Yeah I know it’s strong. But you know what they say tough love. You need hard facts to give to him.
Unfortunately, the bottom line is, HE has to make the decision to quit smoking. You know he’s killing himself, you know he’s wasting money, but you can’t make up his mind for him. The thing I would suggest to you is for -you- to get some kind of counseling for helping you deal with his addiction. It’s not a far-fetched idea: famillies of drug addicts and alcoholics get help. It might help you put your feelings into perspective and deal with his bad decisions. I wish you the best of luck.