12 thoughts on “How I Quit Smoking ……”

  1. wow, great video, thnx for doing it! so, it is now 2012 and i’am wondering if you are still not smoking and if you are still a non-smoker can you tell me if you’ve gained any weight? Also, do you look and feel better now? do you miss smoking? Oh my gosh, I have sooooo many questions for you! lol
    i look forward to your response!!

  2. Thank you! Yes, I am still smoke free. March 12th was 2 years and 2 months 😀 I have gained a little weight but some of that had to do with working at a fast food restaurant at the same time I quit. My teeth are somewhat whiter, my skin is not nearly as dry, my sense of smell has returned etc. I do sometimes miss smoking, especially when I am stressed but I have gone so far that my will to remain smoke free is stronger than any craving or my missing smoking. Please feel free to ask any ?’s

  3. Cheers to you for quitting. As I type this I am entering into day 6 of zero smoking. I can tell I’m not having the nicotine fits at this point, but I’m still missing the act of smoking. It’s like I have a taste or a hankering for a smoke. I suppose it’s going to take several weeks or months for me to no longer dwell upon missing the pleasure of smoking. I will say that swimming daily is helping me to cope and helping me to sleep well. I hope the next 6 days are easier than the first 6.

  4. Good for You!!!! It does get easier… Keeping busy is crucial at the beginning for sure. Congrats on your quit and stay strong!!!

  5. Thanks for your support and your fast attention to my comment. Well, I made it through day 6. Doing laundry really got me down today. I’m a single parent (Dad) and I am so used to having a smoke while I sort and load the washer. I have to be honest, I have made myself a personal promise. I’m going a full 30 days with no smoking and if on day 31 I still miss smoking to the point of this depression I now feel, I will have to return to the habit. Sounds nuts, I know, but I am really down.

  6. It took me a few times before my quit “took”. I understand the depression thing all to well. It does get better, I promise. If you haven’t already, you should check out quitnet.com. Lots of great support and distraction. You are doing an amazing thing!!!

  7. Yes, I have checked that out a few times and it’s true it does help to have distractions in addition to the support…very, very true.

  8. That is soooo sweet of you! I’m doing great, in regard to the fact that I have still not touched a smoke, that is, and come this Tuesday I will be able to proclaim that I’ve made it 2 full weeks! I had some close calls along the way. My lips and tongue have been tingly for over a week and I have had two brief coughing fits apparently triggered by excessive talking. Thanks for caring, that’s a really nice morale booster!

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