I really don’t want her to die from cancer or get one of those machine things through the throat. She smokes 4-5 a day and I keep telling her to quit but she just ignores me. What would be a good way to make her stop smoking.

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Good on you for being worried about your mom. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is her choice to wether or not she quits smoking.
All you can do is keep trying to convince her. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).
Let her know how much you and the rest of the family love her. Let her know the pain you will all go through if you were to lose her. Putting your mom through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.
If you can, try to guide her to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help to convince her.
Don’t listen to those who say stop trying. Never stop trying, if you quit then she sure as hell won’t.
Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.
Good Luck, I hope you get your wish
My mom was the same way!
but she wanted to quit so truthfully you cant do anything to make her stop unless she actually wants to Quit.
but try showing her all the bad things that smoking is causing.
and then tell her how much better shell be able to breath and such if she does quit.
she must decide for herself to stop smoking. However, if you can convince her, there are wonderful medications and interventions available if you can get her to speak with a doctor. Serotonin uptake medications can help, as well as medications that are also used to help weight loss.
Hope you are successful. My grandfather died from lung cancer, and my uncle smoked for 40 years and only quit when he had to have a lung removed. Smoking increases risk of all kinds of cancer, not just lung cancer.
My mom smokes as well and when I was younger I would always tell her to quit and tell her she was going to die from it and she finally told me one day that it didn’t help. She said that it made her more nervous about it all together and a lot of people smoke more when they are nervous.
You have to let her make that decision. You can sit down with her and express your concerns and tell her that you would worry less about her if she did quit. Let her know that you love and care about her and you want whats best. Tell her you are willing to help through online smoking programs or even community programs. Do some research on those and present them to her and tell her you are willing to support her when she decides to quit.
Hide her smokes!!!!
Not gonna happen. Think about how you reacted when told to do something.
Mom knows it isn’t good for her; but she could do worse. Suggest she try going 3-4 hours without a smoke; if she can do that, she has a good chance of quitting if SHE wants. The smoke ‘patches’, etc., cost over $100. per month & require 2-3 months. When SHE’s ready (not you), acupuncture by some one who knows how to use the two "TIM-MEE" points and there’s 80% chance to stop smoking. That’s about $100. and only needs ONE visit! Good luck!
You don’t. It’s her decision, and hers only. 4-5 a day? That’s not even worth getting emotional over. My dad was a 3 pack a day smoker before cutting it to just a pack a day, and he’s still going strong.