My friend has been smoking for 7 years and she knows that’s it’s bad for her health, and etc. Sometimes she wants to quit but sometimes not. She’s tried quitting a couple of times. Once with a patch, once with the nicotine gum, but then she starts again. I really want to help but she says she’s really addicted, and too stressed out to be able to quit, and that she also doesn’t want to gain weight. I don’t know how to make her want to quit so bad that she would. Please help!!

any addiction requires a conscious choice to quit. pressure from others sometimes makes it worse because the thought is always on their mind. the word quit sounds so final. the way i did it was to tell myself i was just stopping for a while. that was just over 4 years ago and i’m still a smoker but i have stopped for a while. it’s amazing what games you can play with your own mind.
well if she really cares about her own health and others around her she will put her mind to it and will defenately stop smoking.
She could also try going to rehab for a while that could also be good
She needs something to take this "bad" habit’s place. Maybe chewing gum and exercising. This way she won’t lose weight.
Tell her to chew gum that has "teeth whitening" attributes. Smoker’s teeth turn yellow.. Tell her this.
You don’t have control over this. It is only something she can decide to do.
you can’t convince someone to do something they do not truly want to do….. What you can do is put restrictions on when she can smoke… For example, there is not smoking in my house, in my boat or in my cars. You are free to smoke on the front porch or in the garage.
By restricting where you smoke you help to break the patterns of sitting and smoking while watching television, or at the dinner table. A bit part of smoking is the habit of doing something with your hands besides the nicotene.
Also by restricting, you end up reducing the amount of cigs you smoke which can make it easier to give up completely, but it does not happen overnight…
For those who have never smoked it is amazing the lack of sensitivity to those who have and are trying to quit. I relate it to the person who is overweight…. both are destructive habits but not easy to give up. Try telling the overweight person to just stop eating.
Good luck!
You cant decide that for her.She has to decide.Its like telling someone they need to lose weight.You cant lose weight for them.I bet she already knows she needs to quit and hasnt had the willpower.
So,all you can do is be there for her and cheer her on.
I have two friends who try every month by the addiction is just to much for them to take. Bring them to a hospital where people are dieing from smoking and show them how there families are feeling. May sound cheezey but it will make them put a lot more thought into it.
I am sorry to inform you that there is no way to help her. I have been smoking for almost 12 years now and it is a very addicting habit, not to mention, for a lot of us almost impossible to quit. I have tried to quit several times and have had no luck. Why? In order for a person to quit they have to be 100% ready, mentally and emotionally. Smokers tend to deal with their stress this way, and I can relate. You have done everything you can as a friend, the rest will have to be up to her. You may want to tell her that she can replace smoking with other things, such as gum, chewing on a straw, finding a hobby that she can do whenever she feels the urge to smoke or even going for a walk everytime she feels like lighting up. It depends on her willpower and how bad she actually wants to quit. The biggest factor is going to be how much (stress) she is going through. Ask her to try and qiut when things in her life are going well, it might help! If all else fails, ask her to start by cutting one cigarette out per day, or even a half would be a wonderful start.