Did you find that taking nicotine supplements to help quit smoking reduced your irritability?

I recently quit smoking but now I’m super irritable. Will taking nicotine supplements ease the edge? Any other suggestions?

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7 thoughts on “Did you find that taking nicotine supplements to help quit smoking reduced your irritability?”

  1. Supposedly the Nicotine is out of your system in 48 hours or so. I think the irritability you feel is missing your beloved habit. It was like I was living life with out an arm or something. I quit for 9 months. The hardest thing to do was anything I associated with the habit of smoking. My friends on my volleyball league smoked, so that was hard when I started the league again. I know for sure the Nicotine was out of my system at that point, but that jealous feeling and irritability was still there. I tried sucking on straws. That helped, believe it or not! I even tried smoking cinnamon sticks, but that didn’t work as well as I envisioned. Ultimately I started smoking again, but I firmly believe it was not the Nicotine that I craved. I don’t care what the "experts" say. I am quite an expert myself, I have been smoking more than half my life.

  2. Here are some tips given in the following blog

    * Delay — do not respond to your cravings, but wait for them to pass.
    * Distract — in order to help cravings pass more quickly, get your mind engaged in something else.
    * Drink water
    * Deep breathe

    For deep breathing you may use a yogic technique of deep rhythmic breathing.(You can do it stand alone exercise without being a part of yoga practice). You can practice rhythmic deep breathing whenever you have free time eg. in office, while watching TV, waiting for a meeting, even during meetings!. Whenever you have an urge for smoking or feel irritable, do rhythmic breathing for 10 minutes, try to concentrate on your breath and forget everything else. Here is a link how to do it.

    If it help you, please mail me.

  3. If you really want to quit smoking without irritability take a look at


    It’s a new approach designed for everyone who seriously wants to stop smoking for free without drugs, patches, nor gaining weight (nor irrability).

    This site tackles smoking from an addiction perspective; It doesn’t matter if you are a five a day teenager, or a one hundred a day pensioner, male or female, or if this is your first or fiftieth attempt at stopping, if you follow all instructions, you’ll certainly become a non-smoker.

    Good luck and happy quitting!

  4. Yes, they will. They make the withdrawal more tolerable but at the cost of longer withdrawal. The Commit lozenges and inahlers (prescription only) are more effective than the gum and patches. Chantix, a prescription stop smoking med, is more effective than any of these.

  5. I’ve quit a couple times, the first time was with the patch and it wasn’t too bad. The second time I used the nicotine gum, and I found it really worked.

    If you want to give it a try and don’t want to pay, I did a quick google and found a site that’s giving away a free sample of Cinnamon Surge Nicorette.

  6. There are free trial of natural sprays to ease the irritabillity. My friends used the free trial offers at this site and they have succeeded at quitting.

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