Day * Of Trying To Quit Smoking… Time To Tie Up My Cravings ??? My Blog Facebook Twitter So Here I am posting a video on Day 8 in my Video Blog Of Trying To Give Up Smoking. I passed my first week yesterday and want to say a big thank you to everyone for your comments of support of quitting the cigarettes…. So I finally get to shut my cravings up once and for all in this video and hopefuly it will be for a while, sure im sure he will pop up every now and then, but sure ill put him back in his box…. Im in my jim jams in the video so NO sloagging :):):):) wathcing a movie now 🙂 Irish DannyBoy

Love your videos. If you think you can make it one week at a time from now on I say go for it! My suggestion would be to make videos whenever the days get really bad. If you have a positive day then there’s no need to make a video.
You are gonna do this babe. It’s gonna be a fight, but you can do this, I have faith in you. It gets better babe. xxx keep up the reat work. Thinking of you.